Help, My Three Month-old Baby Is Turning into a Crying Machine

Updated on November 01, 2008
Y.Y. asks from Mesa, AZ
29 answers

My latest little one was a ideal baby for about three months, now she crys all the time unless I hold her. I have checked for teeth, I dont feed her anything but breast milk. I tried rice cereal but nothing has helped. SHe stills wakes upo three times a night and only takes very short (10-15 mins) naps. Any ideas, or do I just have a fussy baby, oh, I have used mylacon drops and they help a little, but I hate to constantly give them to her.

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answers from Phoenix on

A lot of people write about the reflux issue...I would suggest babywearing kind of upright (like a wrap) and then you provide comfort and a better position. I have heard the drops do not do very much...I'd try a lot else before relying on those. baby swings are great if you are tired of wearing. Please no cereal or solids until 6 months...I made that error and my baby girl got gastroenteritis soon after. Adding anything besides breast milk (that includes formula) changes the intestine flora in a negative way.
Good luck

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answers from Tucson on

It is very likely that your baby is going through a growth spurt. Growth spurts can last up to a week, and even longer if you don't meet your babies growing needs. What that means is nursing on demand. During a growth spurt you can feel like your baby is nursing constantly and is still not getting enough. If you still continue to nurse as often and as long as your baby wants, she'll get through the growth spurt more quickly, your breast milk supply will increase and your baby will be more satisfied with each feeding. Please don't give solid foods like rice cereal until your baby is 6 months old. Getting up 3 times a night is normal. 3 month old babies, not going through a growth spurt, should be nursing about 10 times a day. That's every two hours round the clock with one 4 hour sleep (hopefully at night).
married mom to 3 boys ages 7,9 and 11, with one of unknown gender on the way

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Phoenix on

You may want to try cutting out all milk products or anything that contains cows milk protein. My daughter was allergic to cows milk proteins and has since grown out of it. She was a completely different child when we figured out what was happening. I would chat with the doctor and see what he/she says. With my daughter it was apparent very early on but who knows...
Good Luck!



answers from Anchorage on

Hi Y. -

Your breast milk may not be rich enough to satisfy her. Try adding Marshmallow, Fenugreek, Blessed Thistle & Fennel to your diet (you can get capsules or tinctures at your local herb store). The herbs will pass through your body and go to your daughters. The Marshmallow & Blessed Thistle will make your milk richer. The Fenugreek will increase the milk supply and the Fennel will relieve any gas that she may be getting. You can also add Red Raspberry Leaf - it's wonderful for a woman's body that is recovering from child birth.

Let me know if you need more information.


M. M. Ernsberger
Certified Clinical Herbalist



answers from Phoenix on

It could be some type of allergy. Since what you eat affects your baby, start by slowly eliminating protein from your diet and keep a log. If that isn't it, try eliminating chocolate, then lettuce. Our friends went through the same thing and discovered there baby girl was allergic to protein and they put her on a special formula for allergies. Children cannot get allergy tested until they are 1 year old, so process of elimination is the best. I am not a doctor....and her fussiness could be a range of things also: reflux, etc.



answers from Albuquerque on

My daughter was like this and it turned out she had gastric reflux (she was a preemie - very common thing in preemies). The short napping thing would be a tip off for me. Often, reflux is worse when lying down. Maybe check with her pediatrician about that. My daughter was on medication for several months, and we propped her head up as she slept. This helped a lot. She grew out of it at about a year old. Good luck!



answers from Phoenix on

I am guessing that she is overtired from the sounds of her sleep habits. Check out the book "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" by Marc Weissbluth. It is has done wonders for me with my three kids (4, 2, and 4 months).



answers from Phoenix on

My boys loved to sit in the vibrating bouncy chair when they were fussy. The vibrations would calm them down and sometimes they'd even nod off to sleep. She might be going through a big growth spurt and be hungrier than she had been. Maybe try feeding her a little extra milk at each feeding. Another suggestion is to try white noise. I use a small floor fan pointing out the door to my sons' room for white noise and it helps them to sleep more soundly b/c it drowns out background household noises. My sister in law always swore by those swaddler wraps but my kids hated them. Every baby is different and maybe the sensation of being held would comfort her.



answers from Las Cruces on

When my son did that around the same age it was due to a bacterial infection in his intestine. I had been giving him gas drops constantly because I thought he was having gas problems. Unfortunately, it was a much bigger deal. I recommend going to your doctor and having them look at your baby, maybe even do some tests for stomach related issues. My son had the "c. diff" bacteria that is usually dormant in infants but the antibiotics that were given to me during labor activating the bacteria, causing an infection. It may be 'just colic' but from my experience, I urge you to test for other thing before you accept that diagnosis - especially if you had any antibiotics during labor or pregnancy.

I hope your daughters issues - whatever they are - are solved quickly so she can get back to being her sweet self.



answers from Phoenix on

Little Tummies Gripe worked wonders when my daughter went through a phase and we didn't go anywhere without it!! It's all-natural (herbal) and safe. It really works....we called it our miracle! :)



answers from Albuquerque on

In reading your post I thought of something I read in Pam England's book about children who were born with epidurals. She says it can take 12 weeks for their immature livers to metabolize the medication fully, and describes the baby as "waking up" around 12 weeks.

I know 3 months is also a period when a big growth spurt happens. Any chance she is ramping up your milk supply?

I hope this helps! The other thing that I might do is talk with your pediatrician.



answers from Phoenix on

If this is unusual behavior for her, I would take her into your pediatrician. It could be reflux, or some other problem. And if you have good insurance, it'll only cost you a co-pay. Well worth it for a little piece of mind.



answers from Tucson on

Hi Y.!
When my son was an infant, we thought maybe he was constipated. The pediatrician told us that the pair of his sphinter muscles that work together in the anus to eliminate the waste were immature and not working together. In time he would grow out of it. (Can't remember how long it lasted though! That was 18 years ago!) He had us put a tiny glycerin suppository stick up his bottom when it seemed like he was constipated and fussy. I think you can easily get these at any drugstore. Anyway, the stick opened up the area so that he could poop- which was a liquid. So you see, he wasn't constipated! Check with your pediatrician about this to see if it applies to your daughter!
Good luck!!



answers from Albuquerque on

Three months is when they are usually having a growth spurt so that could be it...they eat eat eat and then they don't sleep much,then one day they's sleep forever so it! But if you are worried, follow your instincts and take her in to the doctor...



answers from Phoenix on

With my son it really helped to buy a good wrap and wear him around during the day. It helped soothe him so much, and I was able to get work done and feel functional. Here's the wrap I got: . It really did work wonders! Here's some great info on fussy babies too: . Keep holding her and BFing! You are doing great! Oh, and The No Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantly is a great book for getting those naps longer during the day. It was a life saver for my son!



answers from Phoenix on

Have you tried formula? Maybe she's too young still for rice cereal but might be really hungry. I breastfed my first two with no problem so it never occurred to me that I'd not have enough milk for my 3rd...well, I didn't and after crying for weeks and losing weight, he changed into a different baby after I finally gave in and fed him the bottle.



answers from Albuquerque on

Your situation could be totally different, but at 3 months was when I figured out that my baby had a dairy sensitivity. I eliminated dairy and he improved immediately. He didn't get completely better til I eliminated soy and corn.

You could try eliminating dairy for a week or two and see if you get any improvement. If not, you haven't lost much (maybe a little weight - I know I did when I stopped eating cheese and ice cream!).

Good luck!!



answers from Phoenix on

I dont know if this has been suggested but, we had a similar experience with my son and he ended up having acid reflux (gerd) so once they put him on meds and he was on it for two weeks we saw our little baby back! Good luck.



answers from Phoenix on

Have you tried singing or the baby swing? One of my children loved the baby swing more than being held. Also, have you tried relaxing and sleeping with your baby?

Have you thought about what you are eating, maybe you are eating something that is causing the baby discomfort, since she gets whatever you get. I heard there are some foods that upset a baby when they are nursing. I can't remember if it's onions, or what.

You may have tried all these things, I know it is frustrating. One of mine cried every night at dinner time. That was her fussy time.

I will pray that you can figure this out.
Take care,



answers from Phoenix on

Sounds like it could be reflux to me. Just a possibility. You can ask your Dr. to be sure.
Good luck,



answers from Phoenix on

mygrandson was a preemie and he was like that for a long time. i had the time to hold him all day but mom and dad didnt so they just let him cry. i know it sounds cruel and i told them i didnt want to knwo when they let him cry but ever since he has been sleeping all through the night. i still hold him as much as i can during the day but he is 14 months old now and he knows tht when mommy and addy put him down he needs to go to sleep. they started doing that when he was 3 months old. all i ever did was to swaddle him and rock him to sleep but i have him during the day only. i still swaddle him but dont rock him tosleep now.if i dont swaddle he will paly in his crib and not take a nap but he doesnt cry or anythign like that



answers from Phoenix on

You little one has probably hit the age where his internal filter is gone and needs a lot more sleep than he is getting. Great book Healthy Sleep Habits : Happy Child by Marc Wiesenbluth. Turned my sweet little crier into a sleeper and a very happy baby. I know it is hard. Hang in there. Also you would probably want to just take your baby to the Dr just to make sure nothing physically is going on.



answers from Phoenix on

I see someone below mentioned cows milk. I had to cut dairy out of my diet for almost a year while I was breastfeeding my son. He's fine with diary now. It can take up to two weeks for the milk protein to completely leave your body, so if you try this, don't give up after 1 or 2 days. Also, once my body was clear, it would take about 2 days for my son to react if I reintroced dairy.

Also, we had some help from gripe water. I know they sell it at HiHealth, WholeFoods and Fry's Marketplace. You might try that for short term relief.



answers from Tucson on

You may want to try swaddling with and get the book/DVD, "Happiest Baby on the Block" by Dr. Harvey Karp. His "5 S's" work like a charm to calm fussy babies!!

Mom of four,



answers from Los Angeles on

What you have is a very tired baby. I just finished reading The Happiest Baby on the Block, which I checked out at the Taylor Ranch library, and I really liked it. A lot of his suggestions start with tight swaddling, but it's hard to get a blanket big enough for 3 month olds. My sister gave me a swaddling wrap she said saved her life! I've just been using it for naps. My baby is 3 months old too. Seems like it's past time for the colic thing and reflux you can tell by how much they spit up and sort of gag when put down to sleep. With both mine I just had to hold her upright for 10 minutes after feeding and then lay down (sleeping upright in the swing, chair, or car seat is an option too). I also have put books under one side of the crib to elevate it and run a humifider which I hope helps with her constant stuffy nose and is also white noise.
My bet is that shes just gotten used to you holding her all the time, which isn't terrible until you want a break! My little one loves the swing and I can usually get her to sleep longer in there. I too am getting really annoyed by the 30 minute naps she takes. Today we've had 4 such naps.
You didn't say what your sleeping arrangements are at night. Just about a week or so ago I put her in her own room in her crib from being in the co-sleeper (I use a video monitor to ease my fears-don't forget to take out the bumper- my baby pushed her face into it the first night and consequences could of been bad!). Before she woke several times a night to nurse and now its great, usually wakes once a night... but last night she slept 12 hours straight ( 7 to 7- maybe an earlier bed time might help)!! During the day it's totally different. I have also read in several places that an over-tired baby doesn't sleep as well. I have found that I have to just go put her down in the crib 2 hours after the last time she woke up. She usually cries for up to 5 minutes but if I were to stay with her shes unhappy even longer then that. Then up again 30 minutes later like I said. I did a little looking online to see if there were any suggestions, but didn't come across many, just found that a lot of people have that problem with young babies and they eventually grow out of it and start sleeping longer. BTW just keep breastfeeding, don't supplement like some people said, that will just deplete your supply.
If she is fine when you are holding her then it's not an allergy to your milk, teething, or anything like that (although I suppose worth looking into if you've tried everything else). I'd say just keep trying to sit down with her in your lap and putting her down at times and trying to increase the times. I remember holding my first all the time, but she turned out fine, you can't spoil a little baby!
oh, last thing, I have to agree with the others on holding off on rice cereal. I have been reading a lot and they say definately not before 4 months, but they really don't NEED anything until 6 months. My first had a reaction to the rice cereal where she threw up every time we gave it to her so I'm waiting longer this time. There is no proof that it helps baby sleep longer.
Let me know if you find any tricks to help baby sleep longer for naps!



answers from Phoenix on

Have you had her checked for reflux disease?
What has changed in your life or diet recently? Changes in my schedule or in what I ate always showed up in how my breastfed children did.

Married 31 years to college sweetheart, Grandmother of 4(soon to be 5), mother of 6



answers from Santa Fe on

I have the same problem. My baby is almost 8 months and I can't leave the room or she starts crying. I call her my little drama queen, my husband doesn't like that but she cries and cries. She starts right away with the "NOW" cry. It has been hard a hard 3 months. My housework has slacked. I am lucky to get the dishes done. I tried the bouncer, the carrier, the sling, the high chair. I did not try the swing because I didn't want to invest in a $60 to $100 swing and it does not work. The bouncer set me back $45 and it just sits there. I know that she is not colicky or in pain because when I am holding her or right next to her she is fine. I thought when she started crawling it would change but now she chases after me crying!! hahaha!!!! (My little Sarah still wakes up and sometimes can be a light sleeper too.)It's been hard but I just keep telling myself it's a phase and it won't last long. Before I know it she will be opting to go with daddy and not me. Also, I am her mama, she lived inside me for 9 months. So, of course we will have that bond and she feels safe with me. She loves me so much already and I love her, too even though she drives me up the wall sometimes. But the crying is the only way she can say, "Mama, I want you here with me." Good luck with your baby I hope your little one's phase doesn't last too long esp. since you are SAHM and have done it 5 times already. It gets tiring and at the end of the day, "Calgon take me away."
Once again good luck to you!



answers from Phoenix on

just as a mother who had a crying baby I would think she is having colic.

when my daughter had these crying fits I was sooo tempted to just toss her of course I didn't.

I learned that if I gently massaged her belly she eventually would fell asleep and stay asleep for hours and I also found that if I was doing this less and less as time went on.

I actually kneaded her belly like making bread but very carefully



answers from Phoenix on

Sometimes teeth bother them long before you can feel them. Are you bf or bottle feeding? It could be an allergy or intolerance. My youngest was extremely fussy and hardly slept (some other symptoms too) until we discovered that he couldn't tolerate dairy or eggs (bf and the proteins pass through). As soon as I cut those out he was a different baby. He still can't handle them but he is the mellowist kid, still not a great sleeper but better. I agree about trying the vibrating chair. White noise is a lifesaver at my house. Babies R Us sells a white noise machine for $20. Each of my boys has one in their room and it's great for drowning out other noises. HTH!

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