Help Cleaning Dining Room Table

Updated on November 15, 2013
M.M. asks from Plano, TX
10 answers

Good Afternoon!
thank you in advance for any suggestions!
I bought a dining room table, dark brown wood, in July.
I cant seem to get the darn thing clean, withouth leaving a mark, scratch, scuff, imprint etc.
i have used a soft cloth, a wet paper towel, clorox wipes, lysol wipes ETC.
how do ya'll keep the table clean?

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answers from Oklahoma City on

I use a soapy dish rag and wash mine. Then I wipe it with a rinsed out rag. Sometimes I'll wipe it dry with paper towels. I use Behold to wipe it down to make it really shiny. I use that in my shower stalls too. It keeps the water from sticking and then their much easier to clean to.

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answers from Raleigh on

I use furniture cleaner- like Murphy's Oil. Then put a tablecloth on it. It's much easier to me to throw the tablecloth in the wash than keeping the table clean!

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answers from Dover on

Murphy's Oil Soap is a wonder.

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answers from New York on

dim the lights.

best to you and yours,
F. B.

FYI we use a soapy dish sponge/ and the occassional pinesol on ours.

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answers from Chicago on

Half vinegar, half water, drop of olive oil, drop of dish soap. I use wash clothes or bar towels.

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answers from Melbourne on

Reputable furniture stores sell good quality cleaners. We bought good Amish furniture and were told under no circumstances to use Pledge or any other grocery store cleaners. water and a soft rag was the ideal treatment, we were told, or one of the non-wax cleaners sold in these stores.

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answers from Visalia on

Dawn is the only dish soap I would recommend. Very little in a bottle of water. Then you can use lemon oil and buff it beautiful. With a little muscle, there is also paste you can use, not sure the proper name, its the same color as your table.

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answers from Portland on

Soap and water and spray cleaners leave a film and dry out the wood. I would just wipe it off with plain water or vinegar and water solution. Then use a wood cleaner such as Murphy's furniture cleaner from time to time
as well as polishing it with something like lemon oil.

Do not use a wax polish. Wax will cause the problems you're describing. If you've used a wax based furniture polish remove it with Murphy's Soap and start over.

If the table has not been sealed with a urethane finish I'd clean it well and paint it with a urethane type product. Check with someone knowledgeable in wood finishes. Home Depot could help you.



answers from Los Angeles on

Real wood?
I gave a solid oak lichen table and I use Clorox wipes or Method spray cleaner or a soapy sponge.all work.
My good dining room table? (Cherry) I only use Pledge. But we never "use" that table without a table cloth.



answers from Lancaster on

I keep a table cloth on my cherry dining room table at all times. Keeps me from having to dust it.

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