Getting Tooth Pulled

Updated on November 23, 2011
M.J. asks from McLoud, OK
9 answers

I just had a crown put on a tooth that had a huge old filling in it. They took out the filling and crowned it. The doc said she saw a big crack at the bottom of the tooth and did not know if it was going to cause any prob. Well it's been a week and the whole tooth just aches. She said if the nerve was involved I would need a root canal.

I am considering just getting the tooth pulled. I just paid 600.00 for the work done last week and now a crown will run way more than that. We finally will have a bit of money for Xmas and if I get the root canal that will take our Xmas money. Plus, DH has been stressed about never getting ahead financially and now he is feeling a tiny bit of relief from total broke to a little bit in the bank. He will be very sad.

Has anyone just gotten a tooth yanked? It's the 2nd to last molar in the back. What do they do with the gap - put in a bridge? Does it look crappy?

Ugg this sucks!!

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answers from Milwaukee on

I broke off half my molar or wisdom tooth last Thanksgiving of all days. I ended up having it extracted. It is in the back of my mouth so no one is the wiser I am missing a tooth back there. My mouth ached for a day or so but after that I was fine. I was more nerveous about the actual extraction but it really wasn't that bad just a lot of rocking the tool in my mouth. My mouth was very numb.

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answers from Kansas City on

I have had a back tooth pulled and have a bridge for two others that were pulled and it's not as bad as you think it you have the cemented in bridge done but then you have to crown the teeth it hooks to. There is a place that my dentist recommends called GE money or carecredit and there is no interest on it but you have to be in the 'list' of doctors or businesses accepted. You might check on that. It's

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answers from Minneapolis on

well now that youve been totally gouge by your dentist-go get the tooth pulled be done with it-save the gold cap-pawn it buy yourself something else-last summer i had the same molar giving me problems turned out to be absest-so i went along with the dentist n got a root canal-truly sucked-but the worst part-im still having problems with the tooth-went back to him 4 times and he insists it takes time to heal-its been 8 months-i refuse to finish paying for my part until the pain goes or he pulls were at a stand off-get it pulled move on.good luck



answers from Rochester on

I have now had 9 teeth pulled and they were all molars. I know I know I have horrible teeth. This last one I just had the dentist pull it instead of going through the mess of a root canal and a crown like I am with this other tooth. Now that one is cracked and it is going to cost me a fortune to get it fixed. I am pretty sure I am just going to have it pulled also. I don't have a bridge of any type and I do fine. I love steak so if chewing was a problem I would have done something about it a long time ago. HA HA HA Anyway pull the tooth and be done with it. It is to bad you already had the crown put on. That seems like kind of a backwards way of doing it. Good luck!



answers from Bismarck on

I had a tooth pulled almost 20 years ago. It was second from the back. I never had anything else done. At the time I had little money. Pulling the tooth was $75 and a root canal was about $350 at that time. My current dentist would like me to get a bridge or implant but so far I've refused. The main reason for the bridge/implant is to hold the other teeth in place. So far, my teeth have shifted very little so I have just left it. No one can see the gap because it is a back tooth. Even when I smile "big" it isn't visible. I chose not to get a bridge because they have to file down two perfectly healthy teeth to do it and I didn't like that idea. The implant involves implanting a fake tooth into your jaw. My guess is most insurance companies won't pay for that or at least not much of it. If I remember right the implant is the higher cost but the dental assistant told me herself that was the route she'd go if she needed that type of work done. I didn't like the idea of "implanting" something into my jaw either so for now I just have a gap. I am able to chew foods on that side even some hard foods like peanuts but I am more careful about it because of the gap.


answers from Minneapolis on

In my experience, getting a tooth pulled is actually very inexpensive, its filling in that gap that is alot. Having a gap can cause other teeth to shift and other issues as you will not have an active chewing surface.

I am the queen of mouth issues, trust me. But I am ready to give up on a few more teeth. I already have 2 bridges, tons of crowns and still have mystery pain in one tooth, and daily pain in others that have been crowned, then canal'ed, and now still hurts, so more $ to throw at the same tooth. It pisses me off and makes me go broke at the same time.

I have probably spent (after insurance)at least 15 grand on my teeth in the last 5 years, and I still can not chew on one side and have daily pain that contributes to my migraines.I have an overly sensitive mouth.

For me, a pulled tooth was about $300 or so. But the bridge to cover it was about $1400-1500 (think of $500 per tooth involved by the time the bridge is done). This is with insurance. My bridges look great!

Good luck!



answers from Green Bay on

Get it pulled! In my experience it is cheaper and the pain is gone right away. Root canal are expensive and you need to go to the dentist a couple of times, they are not done in 1 visit, and they don't always work.

Just my opinion! Good Luck!



answers from Pittsburgh on

I would hope that since this has only been a week, some of that $$ could be applied to the root canal. Can't they re-use the crown you just had made?

My husband has had back molars pulled. No big deal. You wouldn't "need" a bridge because it would be mostly cosmetic and you can't see those teeth very easily. And bridges are EXPENSIVE too!

Your dentist probably should have never crowned a tooth that didn't have a root canal. I've been told that's just not a good idea. And if you have a root canal you almost always need a crown because the root canal weakens the tooth.

I'm always in the "keep my teeth" camp. So I would probably have the root canal and crown.

Ask your dentist if you can give a down payment and make payments over several months. Lots of people cannot come up with that large sum of money in a pinch like that.

Good luck!



answers from Milwaukee on

most places I know do a root canal beforet hey cap it. Would you have to pay for a new crown?

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