Formula - San Jose,CA

Updated on September 16, 2010
R.L. asks from San Jose, CA
20 answers

My daughter is 8 months old now. At what age do I start to ween her off of formula and introduce her to regular milk? Also what kind of regular dairy milk is best? Thanks!

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answers from Boise on

At one year, they can have whole milk. The continue whole milk until 2 because they need the fat for brain development.

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answers from Portland on

I started to wean my daughter at 11 months. We would mix a little whole milk in with her formula and gradually increase it after a couple days. She was a little more sensitive cause she was drinking soy formula so we went really slow.

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answers from Modesto on

There's a lot of hoop-la about cow milk these days. You might want to read up on it before putting your daughter on it at all. Why we all started drinking cow's milk is beyond me, I assume one day someone decided to check out the cow milk after her calf seemed to be enjoying it so much and decided it tasted pretty good and it snowballed into what we have today. Really? Why DO we drink milk from another mammal? Now that I'm older it does give me pause since there are so many crazy diseases and conditions that we are all suffering from. Is it the water? or is it the milk?
My daughter in law is still nursing my granddaughter, she is 26 mos old and has never had a dairy product touch her lips other than mothers milk, she appears to be the picture of health. Do some research and make some informed decisions before you do what we all have been doing just because "thats the way it's always been".
Other than that... the rule of thumb for weaning your child from breast or formula to whole milk is when they triple their birth weight which generally happens at about one year old.

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answers from New York on

1 year. Whole milk.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

1 year. Mix the formula wit the milk a little at a time. Organic whole milk is what I'd use. Check w/your pediatrician.



answers from Honolulu on

1 year old.

You should speak to your Pediatrician... about it.

It has to be "whole" milk... the reason for this is: that 'milk fats' are an important nutrient and is important for brain development.
Whole milk is recommended until 2 years old.
For this reason.

Use organic milk... with no hormones in it.
It will say this on the milk carton.



answers from New York on

i waited until they turned 1.. and then i gave them 1/4 milk and 3/4 formula for about 1 more month.. the formula is so good for them.. then the next month i did 1/2 milk 1/2 formula... then next month.... and so on... i gave total milk at about 15 or 16 months... it worked for me.. and my kids seemed to be healthy... i liked them on formula just because of all the vitamins.. i also kept them on some baby food like the fruits for a long time because again it is so healthy.



answers from Sacramento on

Hey there -- I started our daughter on milk by 1 yr of age (I'd "cut" it w/formula, about half and half and then less formula over about a week or so until she was just drinking milk), and she did fine. She drank whole milk, mostly organic, until just recently (she'll be 2 in a few days!), and then switched to 2%. What I noticed about many of the organic brands (such as Horizon), they'd stay fresh for a long time. Maybe just a coincidence. Good luck!



answers from San Francisco on

Please wait until 1 year for regular milk. We weaned our son off at 8 months and he was instantly allergic to milk. I didn't know anything about that at the time, and I would have introduced a non-dairy formula or soy to him if I could have done things differently. It is great you are asking. Good Luck!!



answers from Kansas City on

I wouldn't start earlier than 10 months, but probably wait until 11 months. Start with 1/4 milk (whole) 3/4 formula, each week increase the milk by 1/4. You really should use whole milk. A lot of pediatricans say you can use any milk so you don't have to buy a bunch of different kinds, but it is proven that kids that little still need fat for brain development so be sure to give her whole! I did whole for 1 year, 2% at 2 and at 3 my daughter is on skim. I always did whole milk but usually for other dairy it's 2% or skim b/c that is what I buy for the the kids might get low fat cheese and yogurt but their milk is always whole that first year.



answers from Sacramento on

Wait and talk to your baby's doctor. They repeatedly told us to wait until he was a year old due to their immature digestive systems. And then we gave vitamin D milk but like I said check w/your ped first.



answers from Anchorage on

Around one. I started at 11 1/2 months adding a small amount of whole milk into each bottle of formula, slowly increasing the amount of milk and decreasing the formula to allow my boys to get used to the taste gradually, and also to watch for any reactions to the milk. It worked great with both of my boys.



answers from Modesto on

Pediatricians recommend weaning your child to milk at one year of age. Wean to whole milk-babies really do need all the fat in whole milk for several years thereafter for proper development. If your child cannot tolerate milk, then speak to your pediatrician about which alternatives are best (Lactaid, soy, almond, rice milk etc.). Some people insist on organic milk but I don't really feel it's necessary and it's costs quite a bit more. Happy weaning!



answers from St. Louis on

I introduced milk to my kids two weeks before their first birthday. Starting half formula and half milk. With my first child I gave her whole milk because I read that it was better for them. When I had my second child we gave skim milk since its what we drink. Our pediatrician said that it didn't matter what kind of milk we gave the kids and that the whole milk just had extra calories that they did not really need.



answers from Stockton on

12 months you can introduce cow's milk a little at a time mixed in her formula over about 2 weeks to make sure her tummy gets used to it. Otherwise you'll have big constipation problems.
Give Whole milk with Vitamin D until she's 3, then she can drink whatever you prefer ie: 1% or 2%. Our son prefers skim milk - but I asked his Dr. before I gave it to him.



answers from Tampa on

Wait until 1 year old. Check with your pediatritian... It has to be whole milk. Good Luck N.!



answers from Bakersfield on

Hi Mama-
I was told that babies should not have milk until they are at least a year old, so I would say keep her on her formula until then. If you do cow's milk, she needs whole/Vitamin D milk. Goat's milk- just plain. If she has dairy allergies, then use rice or almond milk. I also read some studies that say that after the age of 2 the human body loses the enzymes it needs to break down dairy. Forcing dairy causes our bodies to go backwards in essence. Now, this is not the gospel truth, just science and studies. It is really up to you to find the best way to get vitamins and protein, etc to your baby. For example, as much as I know dairy is not good for me, I LOVE LOVE LOVE cheese. If I could, I would live off of it. =) So really, in moderation.
The best bet here is to see your pediatrician and ask him if your baby is ready. The rule of thumb is 1 year for milk and dairy, and solids- well, when the baby has teeth or is teething. You can still mix some formula into oatmeal or veggies if they need to eat a little more.
I hope this helps!
-E. M



answers from Columbus on

One year. You can start mixing half formula half milk around 11 months. But of course, always speak with your pedi, each child is different.



answers from San Francisco on


When you switch your child over to milk when she turns 1 year old, I would highly recommend giving her non-pastuerized cow or goat's milk. You can find raw cow milk at the grocery store, but raw goat milk is more difficult to find. I have found a local farmer that produces raw goat milk and I get it from her.

I give all of my children raw milk and I drink it myself. In fact, I feel much better after I drink it. It has living enzymes and probiotics in it. If the milk is pastuerized, the enzymes and probiotics are still in the milk, but they are dead and your body has to process the dead particles.

You can check out the benefits of raw milk at the following websites:

Good luck!



answers from Stockton on

I introduced both of my children to regular milk when they turned one....I started with mixing it with the formula and slowly easing the formula out of the mixture, it took me about 2 weeks (because I was SUPER conservative and cautious). I put my kids on whole milk, still do, but that is because they are picky eaters...I believe the protein in teh milk helps to supplement plus they dont' have weight issues (plus skim milk makes me sick to even look at :) ).

talk to your dr. about it, but I think most suggest milk introduction around a year..and do it slowly so as not to mess up there digestive tract.

good luck

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