Flying with a 9 1/2 Month Old

Updated on March 31, 2008
L.L. asks from Palm Bay, FL
12 answers

I am extremely nervous about flying myself let alone with my baby girl......Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get me through this first time experience with my 9 1/2 month old? Any suggestions on what to bring on the plane and what to pack that i may not think of?

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answers from Miami on

I flew with my son to California at 18 months and Hawaii at 2 and 1/2 years. What got me through it was cough medicine (that made him drowsy) that the doctor said I could use. And a portable DVD player.

Good Luck!

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answers from Miami on

The best advice is a bottle or as another person said pacifyer for the ears during takeoff and landings. I still use this for my 2 1/2 year old with a sippy cup. She doesn't get it until we are headed for take off and she has never cried on the plane when she flew at 6 months, 1 year and 2 years!! yeah!! When she was 6 months I did a non-stop night flight and she slept most of the way. Good Luck!



answers from Miami on

I agree bring her carseat. Some airport workers refer to lap babies as lap rockets, you can imagine why and it is not good. Put her carseat rearfacing. Bring a bottle, pacifier or anything for her to suck while landing and departing.
There is not much a 9 month old can do. Maybe buy a new toy and don't let her see it until that day. If she is already eating solids foods then bring some snacks.

And since she is approaching the one year mark, here is some info on why keeping her rearfacing pass that is safer.



answers from Boca Raton on

Benedryl, ask your ped how much for your child, it helps to decongest the ears and nose so it won't hurt during times of terbulance and landing. IT also makes them tired and relaxed. They will let you bring it just have a clear zip lock so that they can see it) 1 hour before take off.
Good Luck, I got this advise and my daughter has been on a plane more times than I can count and no ear problems. Also if youcan afford two seats get one, the extra room is so nice, not necessary but nice. People can be rude when you are trying to juggle everything yourself and accidently cross over into their territory!
:-) have fun and don't worry, and we have all had good flights and bad, there will be other moms on the plane going through the same thing.
Another hint change her before you take off! there are no changin areas on a plane and it is crazy to change a diaper if all the seats are full on the plane!!! Don't be afraid to use the stewardess I have!

A couple more things during take off and landing they need to suck, even if they are sleeping put a nuk or a bottle, or a boob in her mouth it will help the poping. You can use your stroller up until u get on the plane leave it outside the door and then they will put it under the plane and bring it out when you get off. They will be helpful to set it up or hold the baby while you do if you ask. See if you can get an asile or a window so you are not in the middle.
You are allowed to bring baby formula on ALL airlines now! Don't worry, if you want to bring it mixed that would be the easiest so you don't have to struggle mixing it all together.



answers from Miami on

when i was pregnate with my 1st child i flew and there were 2 small infants on the flt. One cried through the whole thing the other was a perfect angel i asked the parents what the secret was...take a bottle with just the powder formula (your unable to bring liquids onboard) and when you board as the flight attendant for water. Let her know it is for the baby's bottle and you need it before take off. FEED the baby on take of and landing the sucking helps their ears. That is why baby's cry on the flts they are unable to release the presure. I've been flying now with my 1st child since he was 1 month old and believe me it really works. Best of luck.


answers from Miami on

Absolut no problem,I am from Austria and go frequently back home.I have to little girls,one is 5 YEars ols and one 6 Month.When we came to the states my girl was 3 Month old.I had to fly in and out from the country.It is a very long flight back home and i never had any problems.
First of all,when you book your flight make sure you get a seat in the front of the plane.They have special seats there for Mom's.You sit in front of a wall.On the wall there is a kind of Table which they convert to a Babybed.
Also if you dont get this seat just use the Maxi Cosy.If the Baby is comfortable in it during the regular life,it will be during the flight too.take her beloved stuff animal if she has one or what ever she likes the most with you.Also a book.You will see,the Airpressure will make her very sleepy.Also wher the Plane starts to go up give her a bottle or nurse her.she she won't feel the pressure.The same when the plane goes down.During the flight you can take her out and play with her.
You will see,she will love it.Don't be nervous,if you are-she will be too!!!
All the best and have fun!



answers from Port St. Lucie on

Hello =) if at all possible, try to change your daughter before you get on the flight. Bring with you a pacifyer ( this is to help her ears) and put it in her mouth during takeoff and during the landing. This will help prevent the popping pain one gets in the ears.
I flew with my son solo as well around the same age. So I understand where you are coming from.
Some more advice, use your stroller =).. the airline will help you put a tag on it and they usually have it set up for you by the time you get off the plane. If you can bring something familiar to her, a favorite toy, a blankie...Pack a normal diaper bag but add a few extra of , diapers, change of clothes, formula,pacifiers, because the plane could be delayed so you do not want to run out of the basics if that were to happen.
Lastly, a lot of people ( in my case) were very nice and helpful.. Very rarely did I get the evil eye. People will notice you are nervous. And don't apologize if your little girl cries or gets upset....she is a baby and that is her only means of explaining herself. The best thing you can do is be her comfort and try to stay calm. I sang to my son or rocked him, I also used the isle of the plane to walk up and down with him and shoosh him to relax him.
I wish you the best of luck.
Don't forget to take a picture with the Captain of the plane for her first trip... =)..



answers from Boca Raton on

Pack snacks that she (and you) will enjoy for the trip. I'd also recommend an insulated lunchbag for healthy supplements to your airplane menu.(sometimes you don't get a decent time in an airport to grab a snack before you have to run to the next plane) I am not sure if a stroller can be packed in the overhead, but I would recommend that or a backpack style carrier, if you can. favorite books, toys,(not noisey ones-for your own sanity) and a lovie can also be stored in an overhead as well as the obvious-diapers. Allow for 2-3 extra outfits in the diaper bag, and a few bibs too. Get the plastic tubs of food, glass jars are unlikely to be allowed on the plane-if you bring dinner items for your child.



answers from Port St. Lucie on

I have an 18 month old and she has already flown with us 5 times. At 9 mos. I would give her a bottle at take off and landing that helps with the pressure. Other than that my baby did great. The hard part is when they start walking and they don't want to sit on your lap.



answers from Miami on

I flew to Ohio with my son by myself when he was 14 months, and it wasn't bad at all. I timed it so that he would sleep on the plane. I let him nurse just after takeoff, to help with the pressure and he fell right asleep. The worst was boarding. He didn't want to sit still. I also brought a couple of new toys he hadn't seen before and some favorites that I had hidden a couple of weeks before. Make sure you bring snacks and beverages. Airlines have different rules for babies, you are allowed to bring NURSERY water with you. I packed a little insulated luchbag with fruit and yogurt for him and they didn't give me any problems. The lady at security just told me the water had to be nursery water. Most airlines also let you check your stroller and carseat right at the gate. If you use a baby carrier I would recommend that for your trek through the airport, also it would be handy on the plane (think of trying to hold your baby in one of their restrooms). Basically I just overpacked whatever I thought we might need. I also packed enough essentials in his diaper bag to get us through a few days if they lost our luggage. I used a big backpack for his diaper bag too. Just check with your airline to see what their rules about babies are and bring anything you can think of within reason. Also a diaper bag doesn't count as a carry-on. If you have lots to carry on don't worry, your stroller can hold it right up to the gate, and the airline employees can help you if you need it. Good luck!



answers from Boca Raton on

I have flown with my daughter I think on a total of 4 trips. Only one of those was alone. It was hard because even though the airline said they would help- they didn't. You pretty much have to rely on the kindness of strangers if you fly an airline with rude flight attendants which stinks.

BUT, this is what I recommend. Bring the stroller up to the gate- they will most likely take it away and have it waiting for you right at the airplane door when you arrive at your destination. Also, if you can afford it, buy your daughter her own seat and bring her carseat. It's the safest way to fly with a baby, and she will be (and you will be) more comfortable that way. Bring snacks. Not sure what you are allowed for babies these days because of all the insane security restrictions now- check the FAA website to see what you can bring. If they say no food whatsoever for babies, pick up something once you get through security- once you're in the gate, you can bring snacks on the plane. They might have Cheerios or some crackers that you can pick up. Also, if you formula feed like I did, I found powdered formula the easiest to travel with. Again, not sure how they want you to package it- check the FAA website.

Also be sure to bring some toys to occupy her but don't go crazy- if you schedule the flight around her nap, she will just sleep. Also, try to change her right before you get on the plane- they have changing tables in the plane bathrooms, but as you can imagine- they are TINY. If you have to use them, bring a blanket to put on top- they are really hard metal or plastic if I remember correctly.

Hope this helps!



answers from Boca Raton on

food favorite toys dvd player
I have flown with my kids one and 4 and the biggest thing is for you to be realxed. don't sweat it. Kids will cry or get upset. don't be worried about the other passengers and what they think if your baby does cry just do what you would do it at home with exception of limits of being on a plane, if you need to walk to the bathroom do it or sing. I have also tried to time meals with being on the plane, particularly during take of and landing so ears won't hurt. I also was nursing baby at the time and did so during take off. I also will hide a favorite toy or candy in case of last resort for them. lollipop. something I know they would like, even if it is a loud toy, people would rather hear that if it get them to stop. I guess my whole point is, you just make the best of it and don't worry about people that may get annoyed at it, I never do. I don't let them climb on people but I will let them sing or whatever to keep them happy

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