Finding Nemo... ;) - Seattle,WA

Updated on November 02, 2012
R.J. asks from Seattle, WA
26 answers

This was my son's favorite movie for years and years

At one point I sat down and calculated that I'd watched Nemo over 1000 times. ((One of those "Oh, Ive seen that movie a thousand times." Comments made me actually do a rough estimate, and whoa! Not a metaphor!!! Yikes! Every day -nearly- for a year and a half, plus a couple times a week for a couple years.))

I still like the movie. :) in fact, I'll sit down and watch it any time.

Ahem. No. Our brains didn't rot. We still managed to be a super physically active family (gymnastics, swimming, drama, hiking, snow), with a healthy social life (friends and extended family), 2 A-averages in college (my ex had the 4.0, I only have a 3.8 and change), early reading kid (age 3) who loved preschool, travelled, local culture (plays, opera, powwows, mochitzuki), 4 home cooked meals a day... We just ALSO watched 2-3 hours of TV each day as well. 90 some odd minutes of which were Nemo. For a loooong time. 2-3 hours out of 12-15 hour days just didn't seem to keep us from living full and active lives.

So..... What's your movie story? : Seen one 1000 times? / Have a fav? Or a despised movie?/ Your kids have a fav? / What WAS 2Boys4me going to say busting down the post doors on Cheryl's Q?

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answers from Dallas on

You haven't lived till you have seen a three yr old quote Robin Williams quoting Rodney Dangerfield in Aladin....I can't believe I am loosing to a rug!

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answers from El Paso on

Well if we're talking about one of MY movies I've seen 1000 times, it would probably be "The Princess Bride." I can very nearly recite that entire movie from start to finish from memory.

As for one of the kids' movies that they watch a lot and that I thoroughly enjoy watching with them, I LOVE "Gnomeo and Juliet." Has to be the best "Romeo and Juliet" retelling EVER. :)

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answers from Dallas on

Finding Nemo, Toy Story 2 and A Bug's Life. I think those are the ones that I saw that most cause those are the ones my boys were addicted to. And probably Beauty and the Beast.

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answers from Washington DC on

Princess Bride.

Sorry I was supposed to say something else?

Favorite line - not just one...
- Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
- You keep using that word, i don't think it means what you think it means...'

Not so much a despised movie - Matrix - will never get those 2 hours back.

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answers from St. Louis on

Monster's Inc! Favorite line, spoons?

Of course mount wana hocka loogie always makes me smile. Sorry if I spelled that wrong but google had no suggestions for me.

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answers from Philadelphia on

I LOVE Finding Nemo. Not just because the movie's awesome (which it IS!!), but because I have such great memories of my little guy LOVING it and bonding with him over it. He was SOOO into sea creatures when he was little (now he's into Assassin's Creed and Black Ops, which I cannot relate to at all). Every time I see that movie, I remember how cute my son was. Now at 15, he's a handsome young man who makes me proud with everything he's overcome, but cute? Well, not so much...

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answers from Tampa on

Wall-E! In fact our cats are named Walle and Eba:) my son couldn't say "Eve" so he called her Eba:)

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answers from Louisville on

Puss in boots. "I smell something ..... breakfasty."

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answers from San Antonio on

ME: I used to love Willow - I loved it. It had everything - action, romance, comedy, fantasy, cute little red-headed babies, Val Kilmer .....

my 4 yr old: I think I've seen Iron Giant 20 or 30 times. At one point it was Toy Story over and over again. We've checked out Rio at least ten times from the library. And we get it for 7 days each time we rent. One week I had watched Rio 6 times. Day 7 I said "Let's watch it in Spanish!" because I was so sick and tired of that movie! Marmaduke: We've watched maybe 10 times. I don't despise any of those, although Iron Giant has gotten on my nerves a few times. I can quote the whole movie I swear.

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answers from Chicago on

why does the mom always die on disney movies?

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answers from St. Louis on

Same H...."Finding Nemo", and...."The Polar Express", and "Toy Story..." all of them.

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answers from Seattle on

"Spirited Away" and "The Princess Bride". My kids haven't seen the latter (yet).

Despised Movie: The Titanic. How DID that get awards. We will never know.

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answers from Kansas City on

My daughter wanted to watch The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Little Mermaid, and Incredibles on a loop pretty much. Those are still her go-to movies when we get in the car for a long car trip and she's 5.

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answers from Seattle on

Not quite 1000, but Nemo was viewed a lot in our house as well. Not so much in the last couple of years. It's probably getting close to the time when the 3yo starts to watch it, though. Tangled and Curious George have also been pretty popular. (Oldest went as Rapunzel this year. I went as Mother Gothel, which some of you might consider appropriate.) The Miyazaki films (Ponyo, Totoro, and Kiki's Delivery Service) are in heavy rotation now. I love that both my girls say Totoro with a fairly decent Japanese inflection.

The above are the movies I've enjoyed. The ones I don't enjoy tend to not get rented.

ETA: Ooh. I forgot Princess Bride. The kiddos are still a little bit too young. I, on the other hand (that only has five fingers), have seen it not quite 1000 times.

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answers from Missoula on

Toy Story was our Finding Nemo. Luckily its a good movie.

In high school we watched Speed until we wore out the VHS. Keanu *sigh*

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answers from Omaha on

Ok I was going to say that Finding Nemo has to be the 3rd best movie ever made. First comes Cinderalla. (the original disney version), and then Homeward bound, then finding nemo. I have never added it up but lets just say I have gone through 3 DVD's of Finding Nemo. All just because they never left the DVD player. I at 22 years can almost recite the whole movie. And dont get my son started because he can state it word for word and do almost all of his little cute moves to go along with it. Wow I think I am actually going to watch it again today... hmmm yup!

Haha Jo- "We can tunnel our way under the city using spoons" haha that movie is a good one too!

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answers from St. Louis on

I could've written this post. I honestly think I have seen Nemo over 1000 times. I cannot get enough of it. My kids love it too.

You'll have to come back later, we're trying to escape.

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answers from Charlotte on

Ephie, I love Spirited Away too. And all the Toy Stories.

R., I don't think I've seen anything 1000 times, though I think I listened to my kids' music tapes 1000 times when they were little. Wee Sing Dinosaurs comes to mind. I think I could even sing the entire tape by heart even now!


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answers from Philadelphia on

hmm when emmy was 1 and 2 we watched Annie like that. She would act out the movie and songs while it was on tv. she'd get so into it she;d make herself pretend cry with real tears and yell HANNIGANNNN and then giggle and sing the songs. hmmm maybe i should put this kid on tv;)

petes dragon was up there along with thumbelina (i HATE thumbelina)

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answers from Washington DC on

I enjoy any Disney movie but my absolute favorite movie is The Goonies. I can watch it anytime that it is on. I can no longer stand Forrest Gump. Don't get me wrong, I think it's a great movie but my husband has watched it so many times and it seems like it is always on tv.
I wish my daughter enjoyed movies. Dora the Explorer is like my third child :)

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answers from Honolulu on

Me and my kids like the movie CJ-7
Great movie
We saw that, several times.

And yes, we have seen Finding Nemo a lot too, over and over.

Then my daughter likes watching the Cat In The Hat (the one with Alec Baldwin in it) for some reason and she can watch that over and over. My son will say 'BUT.WE.SAW.THAT.ALREADY sooooo many times!"
Then a debate ensues between them and either she will win or he will win. Or they compromise, watching one of his movies first etc.

Me and my kids also like Totoro. Saw that several times already.

Oh, and my son is recently loving the "Twisted Whiskers" show.
Its not a movie, but we have seen, the same episode, like hundreds of times. I have it DVR'd. He can watch it, over and over and still is not tired of it.

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answers from Jacksonville on

Well, I can't say I've seen it 1,000 times... but Nemo is one of my favorites. It's one of the few that actually had a scene my daughter was a little frightened of (the mount Wanna Hocka Loogi scene)... she was little. NOW she laughs. :)
We watched that movie quite a bit actually. LOTS of memorable lines...
(mine, mine, mine, mine, mine) I loved the little turtle, too (Crush).... Dory talking whale... lol SO many good scenes...

When my son was little, the go-to movies were The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (the original first one, with the narrator and the scary woozles and pink elephants... not the follow up ones), and The Rescuers Down Under.

But, later, when it came out, The Incredibles became by far one of my favorites. I use it as a kind of benchmark to grade other animated movies. UP was really good, but I could watch The Incredibles once a week even now.
Favorite character? Edna Mole. ("Daaaaaahhh ling. NO Capes!)

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answers from Las Vegas on

In our house, we LOVE Harold and Maude.... that movie is so great!!!

Also, Educating Rita ,Cinema Paradiso , Ciao Professore.... Gotta love those Italian films.... so filled with good humor!!

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answers from Kansas City on


and sooo many times it was when he wouldn't nap but i was fell asleep to it more times than i could count! BUT i could never watch it EVERY day lol...i expanded his horizons as soon as i could (not a thousand, but yes, we watched it hundreds of times...and most of the time i said "yes" - but we didn't watch it every day, no way, that would make me crazy! lol)

HAHAHA@ Mandy B - our dog's name is EVA!! :)

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answers from Seattle on

I love Nemo too! I've seen grease, bring it on, the sweetest thing, and the parent trap (Lindsay Lohan version) probably 1000 times each! No despised movies, I just fall asleep if I don't like them :) and I'm a huge movie quoter!

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