Expecting ANOTHER Boy . . .

Updated on October 10, 2008
A.E. asks from Mount Vernon, WA
31 answers

Hi, moms. I have two little boys. My oldest is 3 years old and my youngest is 16 months. I am 15 weeks pregnant with our third (and last!) baby. My husband and I wanted the sex of this baby to be surprise since we thought it would be fun to not know this time around. Well . . . I had an ultrasound one week ago and the doctor (without asking!) informed us that he believed we are having a boy. He thought he saw what he needed to see to tell us that information. Also the baby's heartbeat was 142 and that's really close to what my other boys' heartbeats were. I know it was early and that there is the possibility he's wrong (we'll find out for sure at our next ultrasound), but I have a feeling he's right.
My husband is definitely NOT disappointed although he would love a little girl and I am really getting used to the idea of being the queen in my house full of boys :-)!

My question is for you mothers who have boys. What response did you give to people who thought you MUST be disappointed because you weren't having a girl? I'm tired of people telling me how sorry they are when I tell them we're having another boy. I think it's really great and I feel like I have to defend myself to these people who think I must be really upset.

I'm sorry if this seems more like I'm venting than asking a question, but I would really like some ideas on how to respond after someone's found out we're having another boy.


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answers from Portland on

I have a boy and all I want are boys because I love little boys so much! Although I would love a girl too.... but I KNOW I will never have a girl because my husbands family is all boys! Anyways, tell them that you are happy you will never have to deal with the drama of 3 teen girls in one household:) hehe, good luck!

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answers from Seattle on

People are so rude!!! I'm a mom of 2 boys and people love to ask if we are going to try for a girl. My response is simple "Are you mad!!! and have the drama that comes with it? No way!"

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answers from Portland on

Before anyone has the chance to say anything, beat them to it with, I'm so lucky to be the mom of all boys!!
Say it anyway, it might make them think how rude their comment was.

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answers from Seattle on


It all depends on how offended YOU feel and how much of a smart alec you feel like being.

"I'm so sorry you're having a boy"

1) "Why? You think they're not good enough?"
2) "It's my husband's fault, he picked the gender"
3) "I love all my boys"
4) I don't care, as long as he's healthy" (I had this one with both my kids. People constantly asking if I wanted a boy or a girl)
5) "Why, he's not your son."
6) "At least now I don't have to buy any more baby clothes."

That's all I could come up with off the top of my head. Some of these can be really offensive, but if you're sick of the questions . . .

The other side is to take it all with a grain of salt and just smile even though you may want to scream.

Best of luck,

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answers from Spokane on

Congrats on the 3rd lil' boy! I myself just had our 3rd child and it was a girl. My husband wanted a girl so bad along with EVERYONE else on both sides of the family. Our daughter is the only girl on both sides. I too had people ask me Aren't you happy you FINALLY got a girl? or Now you can stop having kids that you finally got a girl? and it made me kinda sad because I actually wanted a 3rd boy! I loved the idea of 3 brothers and had the perfect name picked out and everything...so it just goes to show you how no matter what your situation some people will always give you their opinions no matter what!
So I say to you Congrats on the 3 amigos I bet they are going to have so much fun growing up together, cuz when you think about it, with there being 3 of them, one of them is always gonna have something fun up their sleeve!!:)

Girls are great but us Mommys of boys know all about that certain kind of bond boys and their mom's have!


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answers from Portland on

I also have 3 boys (5 years old and twins who are 21 months) and I tell people that it's just my lot in life to be surrounded by handsome men. And if I know the people well, I don't hesitate saying I just feel more comfortable mothering boys because it's true. I've never been a girlie girl and even when I was little I didn't like the traditional girl things. Boys toys are more fun in my opinion. Good luck!

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answers from Seattle on

People and the things they say! Aargh...I have two girls but I did get that response when I told people we were having a second child of the same gender. I always find it throws people off when your answer includes sarcasm, like "it's ok, I didn't really want to compete with my daughter for her daddy's attention" or "yeah, we're going to dress him like a girl anyway so it's okay". That should shut their mouth! :)

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answers from Richland on

I do have two girls. But when I was pregnant with my 3rd boy. I would, many times, be at the store with my 2 boys while the girls were at school. So I did get people 'feeling sorry for me' that I was having another boy and no girls.

What if, when asked what you are having, you answer, "We're so excited to be having a boy" or "We're so blessed to be having a boy", what ever works best for you.

I'm not sure there is anything that can be said to keep any and all "I'm so sorry" comments away, this is just one way where you could maybe slow them down.

I have some people that I care about very much who have not been able to give birth to children of their own. I'm so happy for you and your family.

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answers from Portland on

I don't have a good answer! Although you seem to have gotten a lot! I still stumble over that one!

But I just wanted you to know that I think the comment is soooooo utterly rude. I love my babies, with all my heart. All boyz, 2 yrs 4 mos, 15 mos and 5 1/2 mos pregnant. But I am disappointed, my horror-moans have made me a wreck! All I ever thought I'd have was a girl. And that comment makes me cry. So can we wear shirts that say keep your comments to yourself about the gender of my baby??

Good Luck!

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answers from Seattle on

I LOVE boys!! Boys are so fun, & much easier as teens (I've been told). Another boy makes life SO much easier for you--the hand-me-downs, the toys, the training. You said it when you said you'll be "queen of the house". Just tell them what you told us. Why would anyone be disappointed to be blessed with a boy? ~sigh~ :-) Congratulations!
D., mom of 3 boys

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answers from Anchorage on

It's nice to know someone else is getting this! We just had our second girl, and I can't tell you how many people have said, "Ohhh ... are you going to try again for a boy?" or "Your husband must be disappointed that he doesn't have a son."

How nice, huh?

But truly, I say that I always wanted my first girl to have a sister (something I didn't have) and the idea of future slumber parties, tea time, toe nail painting and the like is delight to me. I have told people (would need to be slightly adapted to meet your needs):

1. God already has a plan for this second little girl's life -- I can't imagine her being a boy!
2. I'm SO GLAD that she's who she is -- because wow. We are saving tons of money on clothes and the idea of having to learn to deal with a wee-wee had me kind of spooked (alas, this is true).
3. I WANTED a little girl. Now my husband? He says he loving two lassies, but who knows -- maybe he WAS secretly gunning for a boy! If it makes him feel better, we can draw a little mustache on her after she's born until he gets used to the idea.

Good luck.

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answers from Portland on

how obnoxious of people. I like the smart aleck responses someone else gave you. The only sadness I have about not having a girl is not having an excuse to buy tights and skirts.

Superheroes are much more fun than princesses! And boys always love their mamas.

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answers from Seattle on

I hear ya! I have two boys and my husband is the oldest of 7 boys and one girl. And 4 of his brothers who have kids all have boys. LOL My sister in law is prego with her 3rd boy due in Jan.
I would just tell people we are having another healthy baby boy! We are so blessed to be getting another boy.

Good luck. We are trying for one more (our last) later this year, and I am sure it will be a boy too. More power to all of us mom's who are raising these good boys to become great men. :)

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answers from Seattle on

Hi A. - I am the mom of two boys (3 and 6) and sister to 4 (FOUR) younger brothers. Whenever I tell anyone that, I just laugh and say that God is playing a "dirty little trick on me!" I am CONSTANTLY asked when we are going to try for a girl. And although I really want to be pregnant NOW, we are waiting. And I say to everyone that asks, "oh it would be nice to have a girl, but I think we would immediately be in the poor house. So many girl clothes! I just want my child to be healthy and even if the baby's not I would still love it!" Usually people agree with that.
But, it still makes me laugh that I am surrounded by boys! I do nanny a little girl (age 2) so I get to get some of my "girlies" out. (ie. doing hair, tights, and dresses)
Good luck on the next baby (and just so ya know, ultra sounds aren't 100%!!!)

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answers from Portland on

Gees, I think that they're wanting to be kind and don't know how to do it. First, I'd work on letting that remark become unimportant. You know you're glad. What does it matter if someone, without thinking, makes a remark like that. They may just be "making conversation" and don't know what to say. They may be expressing their disappointment if they were you. They may be curious and instead of saying, "how do you feel about that" they're asking a direct question. If the people asking if you're disappointed love you, assume that they are showing their concern even if it does feel judgemental to you. Sarcasm is a way of expressing anger and frequently the result is anger deflected back at you. If they aren't people important to you what does it matter what they say? I wish for peace in my life.

My response would be to say, I'm actually glad to be having another boy. I love my boys so much. Or something like that. I might prevent the question by saying I'm looking forward to having 3 boys as a way of saying that you're having a boy. Since the news is out I suggest that you bring up the topic first by saying that you're looking forward to having a boy before they have a chance to ask the question.

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answers from Eugene on

Hi A.,
I have 2 boys who are now 20 and 18, and though I didn't hear it very often, when I did I would just say that I was very happy that God blessed me with 2 healthy boys, who would someday marry and give me daughter-in-laws! I absolutely love having sons, and you are right about being the "Queen" in the family. Also, no one is borrowing my clothes and makeup, or having a hormonal meltdown! Enjoy your sons!

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answers from Seattle on

I have 3 boys (ages 6, 3, and 1) and I get comments all the time about "wanting or trying for a girl" or how I have my hands full or when I was pregnant was I hoping for a girl. And honestly, I wanted mostly/all boys. I was the 3rd of 5 girls in my family growing up (no boys) and I was done with all that drama/girl "issue" stuff. Because I am an optimist my first reaction is that most people mean well they are just trying to make conversation and are curious (or nosy - whatever you want to call it). Plus since I am so happy with my 3 boys, I usually just reply "no, I love having boys." Everyone has opinions on how many kids you should have, how many kids you should want to have, boys vs. girls, how far apart they should be, etc. My opinion is if you are happy, then that will radiate to those people and they will see that you don't need both genders of children to be happy parents and you will have taught them for the better. If not, they weren't going to be affected by your response anyway, so at least you can gloat about your happiness of boys and not be negatively affected by other people's opinions/comments. Yeah for moms of boys!

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answers from Seattle on

People acted this way to me when I found out I was having our second boy. I couldn't believe it! Just tell people what you said on this post...you love being a mom to boys and you're deligted!

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answers from Seattle on

Hi A.,
Remind your friends it is better to have a healthy child free from disabilities than a girl.I am a mother of two young boys 7 1/2 and 6 and it may be exhausting and alot of work now. However, we don't have to deal with the drama of the teenage years that girls bring later.One of my friends put more bluntly.

P. C.

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answers from Richland on

Hey A., I am a mama to Three boys too...and I love it. I don't mind not having a girl. At this point I would actually rather have another boy! What would I do with a girl?! Just tell people that you have all of the clothes for the baby boy and the toys and the boys will be such great friends. Tell them that you are soo excited that you are having another boy and that you don't feel gypted at all for not having a girl. It was obviously in God's plan for you to be the only girl of the family. Plus...girls are so whiny and hormonal!! One in the family is enough!! Good luck with those boys....they are alot of fun!

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answers from Portland on


Sorry to hear that your doctor made the announcement without asking.

I have 2 boys and when pregnant with my 2nd would get the same thing. I would tell people that God gave us another boy because we couldn't take anymore PMS in our house. What I don't understand is why people think you need at least "one of each" to be happy. Isn't motherhood about being blessed with the children you are given?

Good luck to you with how you choose to respond to those who speak before thinking.

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answers from Richland on

I liked what YOU said about being the Queen- I would go with that.
When we were told we were having a boy, I said that I was relieved that I didn't have to go through what I put my mom through when I was 13! Boys are a piece of cake! Enjoy...

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answers from Eugene on

Who knew boys were so great? I certainly didn't until I had my two boys (and I'm done).

I typically take the smart aleck route when people ask if I'm bummed I don't get to raise a girl: "At least I don't have to go through middle school with a girl!"

Congrats to you!

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answers from Portland on


My wise friend has 3 boys. All amazing husbands and fathers now. She always says several things when she gets asked if she wished she had had a girl:

1> With such a great husband and father as a model, the world really needs my sons.
2>It was financially responsible of us to have all boys.
3> The Lord knows what I am capable of and what would be best for me, I thank him for my blessings.
4>Daughter-in-laws rock.

As I am 6 weeks away from having our second son, I appreciate the wisdom and cander. Her sons are all grown and they are wonderful fathers and husbands, and she truly in the queen of her castle. They are a wonderful example of all of God's families.

Enjoy your son's, I can't wait for brother #2 to join us!!

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answers from Seattle on

People are odd --- and they do say the darndest things. Try ''' I love being the queen'' ( that's a FANTASTIC line- as it's clearly how you feel). I have a dear cousin- who was devastatted when her second ( and last) was a boy - she so wanted a little girl - but her 2nd boy ( now 19) is the kind of kid parents DREAM of - great student - nice person- . Her first one is a nice kid, too- but the second is more of a home-body and - no one knows what the future holds - the joy and delight and reward and fun we have with our children is 'born' from who they are and who we are. Period. The gender is decoration--- who the child IS - is what lights up our lives.

Mercy, I do seem to be making speeches today- will take a rest, lololol


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answers from Portland on

I don't have a single boy, but I'd still just simply "ask" the person why you would be dissapointed.

Oh, geez - I'm so sorry, you must be so dissapointed for having another boy!

Why would you say that?

Uh, well you just have two already....

Yes and they are fantastic, why wouldn't this one be?

They'll get the hint. Oh and congrats!

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answers from Portland on

A.... congratulations on baby #3... when i was preggers with my 2nd boy there were tons of people who said 'oh i hope it's a girl' or 'wouldn't it be nice to have one of each?' my response was that i would be thrilled either way as long as my baby was happy and healthy... i know too many people who are struggling to conceive or have had babies with health issues... i could never understand why people would care either way... so i can absolutely understand your frustration... some people are just clueless... or socially inept :) good luck...

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answers from Portland on

Inform THEM that you are sorry for the teenage years ahead! I have a daughter (was soooo excited) and she just hit the terrible twos. And it suddenly dawned on me how it was to a teenage girl. YIKES!!!! I am so happy and excited for you!

Ok, blunt answers aside, just tell them you aren't sad at all, but excited to have a new one!!! Turn the conversation to how wonderful having a new baby is.



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answers from Seattle on

I have 3 girls - when I was pregnant with my 3rd I got a lot of comments about hoping for a boy, husband hoping for a boy, etc. (We didn't know.) And I said a boy would make life exciting, but I think another girl would just be easier - I know how to raise girls, I have all the stuff for girls. What would I do with a boy?!?!

I think if someone offers you their condolences about having a third boy you should say, "Oh, we're not sorry, we're excited!"

You have an opportunity to raise some good men. Sometimes I wish I had that charge. But you do your best to raise good strong men and I'll do my best with my girls and maybe 20 years from now we'll be in-laws to a wonderful couple!!!

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answers from San Francisco on

I know you have 30 responses, but I had to add my two cents too. My cousin has 3 boys and when she told people she was having number 3 and he was a boy people would do the same thing to her. She would look at them very seriously and say, "I'm happy as long as he's healthy" at that point (and I said it too her so I know how they felt) people felt stupid for saying something so superficial



answers from Portland on

I completely understand how you feel. I am another mommy of two boys expecting a third in December. A lot of people expect that we are going to be disappointed or wanted a girl. I usually tell people depending of course on how hormonal I am acting: "Well we knew we'd get one or the other... At least I never have to give that akward puberty talk!" "We figure there is always next time for a girl." "Are you kidding, I love the idea of being the center of attention for four men!"

Mostly I avoid the comments by replying with a lot of enthusiasm or happiness that we are having another boy. People then assume that since I am so happy, I wanted another boy or they just accept it and move on. I would definitely say don't worry about what people think, boys are great and (personally) I would kind of feel bad for a little girl being stuck with our crew!! Plus some of the coolest moms I have met are stuck with nothing but boys, too!

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