Enrolling for Public School

Updated on December 22, 2008
A.Y. asks from West Hills, CA
5 answers

Hi Moms!

I'm wondering how I can find out when enrollment takes place for our local public school. My son is going to be five in June and will therefore be on target to start Kindergarden in Fall. He currently attends a private Pre-K, but we plan to move him to our local public school at the appropriate time. How do I know when and where to enroll him? Where does one go for this information? It may very well be something easily found, but seeing as I'm due for a family addition in April, I want to be sure I plan ahead! Thanks in advance for your guidance! (Also, on a separate note, how do you find the ranking of your various local schools?)

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So What Happened?

Just a quick update. I am actually in the Las Virgenes School District and haven't been able to get anyone from the school to respond to my inquiries. I suspect part of it is due to the holidays! Thanks for your input!

More Answers



answers from Los Angeles on

Assuming you are in LAUSD... here is a link to locate your neighborhood school, then you can contact them to find out about enrollment.


I also recommend you check out http://www.greatschools.net/ to see how your neighborhood school rates. You do have choices and it is possible to go to another/better public school also if necessary. Our neighborhood school is not very good but I got my daughter into Encino Elementary and it is much better there.
Good luck!

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answers from Los Angeles on

I would call the school itself. The front office should be able to tell you when they plan on distributing the packets. Also to find the API scores for your local school, I would go to greatschools.com. Congratulations on your new baby, and good luck to you and your son in Kindergarten!

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answers from Los Angeles on

Your local public school district will have that information. I would also post on peachheadvalleymoms (yahoo group) and see what information people in your area have.



answers from Los Angeles on

In LAUSD the sign up for kindergarten was right after Memorial Day - like the first week of June. You can go over to the local school and make an appointment to check out the kindergarten classes before you sign up if you want to or just call and they can let you know the exact day.



answers from Los Angeles on

I have nothing to add about the schools. I just noticed that you will have the same age span as I do and wanted to share something we did for our older one to help get ready for the younger one. We had a Big Sister Party for her, celebrating her change in status. About 5 weeks before my due date we invited a couple of her friends who had already become big brothers and sisters and we chose to see a play and have ice cream. It was very sweet and she felt very important.

Remember you are giving him a gift that no one else can, you are giving him a sibling and a life long friend.

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