I have been avoiding this thread because it's striking too close to home! You can see from the number of responses that it's a very common problem. In my household, he was divorced and had the experience of having to do it all, so there's no lack of understanding - simply a lack of will. He was the youngest child (very spoiled) and I'm guessing has a secret wish that I will just do it all for him like his mommy used to do. NO WAY.
I came here this morning to vent. Last night I'd had it and told him he could get up and fix the kids breakfast and get them out the door all by his lonesome this morning. He did, but of course, the kitchen was a hell-hole after they left. This is not passive aggression, it's not knowing how to get it all done in a short amount of time. So now I have to decide whether to leave the mess all day so he has to take care of it later, or whether to clean it up so I don't have to look at it all day long. TOUGH call!
We all have to find our peace with this issue somehow. I do like FlyLady (thanks to whomever on MamaSource originally suggested this). But that doesn't make me feel better when I have been on my feet all day, and am doing it all around the house as well as working part time, and he wanders off after dinner to the basement to work on a project or the living room to channel flip (what more worthless activity is there than channel flipping???). I simply feel under-assisted and under-appreciated. So, who has to clean the entire kitchen for the second time today, stay on top of homework, room-cleaning, pajamas, teeth-brushing, reading, bedtime, whatever? And what a GREAT example he is setting for the kids. I have sat him down so many times to talk about this, and I have also yelled at him like a banshee - it depends on my frustration level. He always says, "you're right, you do so much, I'm going to change." HA HA HA HA HA HA HA...
I love this man dearly, but I am not a doormat or the hired help, and no amount of biblical verse is going to make me feel better about him channel flipping contentedly on the couch while I wear myself thin keeping his life on track.
Did that answer your question R.? I don't think so!!! But thanks for letting me vent...