Do You Have a "To Die for " Chile Recipe????

Updated on January 24, 2011
C.C. asks from Crown Point, IN
12 answers

With super bowl coming up, am looking for an awesome chile recipe - hopefully not to complicated. Prefer meat ones over vegetarian (my mom is in charge of that one!!)

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answers from Kansas City on

I agree with Riley J., add some chocolate to it. I always just use a few TBPS of cocoa powder. It really brings flavors out and I also always add some to my taco meat along with taco seasoning when I make tacos. Cocoa just makes everything yummier!! And, Williams is the best chilli seasong, imo!! :)

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answers from Dallas on

Chili by George on!

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answers from Seattle on

I had to trade a percentage of my soul to get a copy of my friends recipe... so I can't post it... but here are some tips/tricks for chili in general:

Hint: Whatever chili recipe you use... melt a couple ounces of high quality dark chocolate above 60% (like callebaut, valrhona, etc.) or medium quality (like ghirardelli) into it. Unless you're a supertaster you won't be able to taste the chocolate at all, but it adds a richness and depth to the chili that is incomparable.

I also prefer, when I can afford it, to use buffalo instead of beef. Again, because of the complexity of the flavors is different. The fact that it's better for us is just kind of added bonus.

Ditto... a bottle of dark beer poured in (like Guinness or stout) is a great add. If you're using a turkey chili recipe, however, go for an IPA. Pork chili... hard apple cider.

More "extras":

Try sprinkling crumbled goat cheese on top, or sour cream. And green onions and bacon.



I think I know what dinner tomorrow is going to be!

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answers from Santa Barbara on

yes, and it's so easy. I open the can of Dennison's turkey chili.
Have fun cooking.

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answers from Dallas on

I always buy the 2 alarm chili kit. It's great because you just need ground meat and tomato sauce and it has all the spices. All the spices are separate so you make it to your liking. Add a can of Rotel and it's even better!!!

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answers from Chicago on

I agree with Rebecca. Chili by George is really good. Make sure to have a wide variety of toppings.

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answers from Joplin on

we have found the key to awesome chili is using half hamburger and half ground sausage. Also if you like spicy using salsa instead of plain diced tomato's gives it a great kick.



answers from Chicago on

Boilermaker tailgate chili recipe at Spicy but very good!


answers from Los Angeles on

Here is my favorite:

Food Bank Chili

1 lb. Hamburger
1 diced yellow onion
1 diced green bell pepper
1 diced Jalapeno (optional)
2 big cans Kidney Beans
2 regular size cans of different beans (your choice)
4 regular size crushed tomatoes (I get a mix of plain and some with peppers, like Rotell, to add extra heat)
2-4 TBLS Chili powder (to taste)
Salt and pepper to taste.
1-2 TBLS Oil

~ Add oil and diced veggies to big stock pan and sauté till soft. Add in Hamburger and brown. Do not Drain Fat ( but I get the low fat ratio burger) and then open and dump in all cans, Do not Drain Beans, it needs no other liquid. Add chili powder and S&P and bring to a boil then turn to low and simmer for as long as you like.

Serve with some Pepperjack cheese cornbread and enjoy! My sister and I have made this recipe for YEARS...since we were teens and living on our own and had to utilize our local food bank, hence the name!



answers from Dallas on

We LOVE this recipe. It has a lot of ingredients, but it's pretty easy to make. After I cook the meat, I throw the rest of the ingredients in a crock pot on high for 2 hours and then low until we are ready to eat. It freezes well, so we usually make individual portions for lunches and store them in the freezer. We have used venison in this chili several times and it works great. It's one of the few recipes where I willingly and without complaint, eat game meat. :)


answers from Houston on

well mine is a vegetarian recipe, but ill tell you tips that make mine awesome. beans instead of pinto(or a mix)
,2. the leaves and stalks of celery minced up inside cooked as long as you cook the garlic and onion
3., after the heat is cut off add about a tbsp of unsweetened cocoa powder to the mix
4 dont use any water, use a combo of broth or beer, or both
5.skip the preground chile powder, its garbage, make your own by grinding up dehydrated peppers 9very available in mexican neighborhoods, or international grocery stores)
6. many kinds of veggies can go in a chili after your basic onion/celery/tomato and garlic mixture....cilantro,jalapeno, banana peppers, carrots, corn,bell peppers, etc... as long as they are small and chopped up. chili is like a "use what you have left kind of dish)



answers from Chicago on

Hi C.,

I work at Whole Foods in River Forest. We just had a chili cook-off for Best Buddies at OPRFHS. Here's the recipe one of the winners- it was VERY meaty, simple and delicious. The trick was FRESH, FRESH ground chuck and the fire roasted tomatoes. I'd recommend a roasted flavor tomato sauce too. The char flavor almost made it taste like summertime grilling.

5 lbs ground chuck
2 cans fire roasted tomatoes
1 can of tomato sauce
4 tablespoons of chili powder
1 tsp cumin
2 cloves of garlic
1 medium onion
1 can of pinto beans
1 can kidney beans
1 tablespoon olive oil
pinch of salt

Saute onion and garlic in olive oil with a pinch of salt. Add ground chuck. cook till brown and drain excess fat. Add tomato sauce, fire roasted tomatoes, beans, chili power, and cumin. Add salt to your liking. Bring all ingredients to a boil and let simmer for at least 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

For something more complicated, but AMAZING you can email me for "Ed's Sweet & Spicy" chili. His turkey chili has 25 ingredients and tastes like heaven.

- J

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