Do Babies Dream?

Updated on May 05, 2008
J.D. asks from Cedar Grove, NJ
11 answers

Hi Moms,
My soon to be 6 month old son woke up last night (2xs) crying. Could he have been dreaming? Or is this connected to teething? He's been sleeping through the night since about 2.5 months. But lately, for the past 2-3 weeks he's been fussing during the night. He doesn't completely wake up, just kind of fusses around a bit until I give him his pacifier. But last night was different. He was really crying, tears and all. I had to pick him up and comfort him. He went back to sleep, but woke up again at 6:30am, crying! Can he be dreaming? Teething? I checked his gums and don’t feel anything. Is he going through a change being that he's turning 6 months in a few days?

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answers from New York on

My daughter is 9months, I also have a 3 year old son. They both woke up during the night like that when they had ear infections. I don't know if this is the case with your child but if it doesn't stop or get worse, get her ears checked.



answers from Syracuse on

Yes, I have read that babies do dream and my 1 yr old son has awakened in the night crying when he usually wakes (even in the middle of the night) happily cooing and babbling. We have attributed this to bad dreams and we comfort him with cuddles in the rocking chair or holding him standing by his crib and he goes back to sleep.

I would be causious about labeling these wakings as night terrors as this is a recognized specific chronic occurrance. The child doesn't wake yet cries and is hard to comfort. If it is a bad dream, just keep being there for him like you've been doing to comfort him and assure him that he is safe in his mama's or daddy's arms.

It may be that he's teething. Motrin or Tylanol can help treamendously.

Good luck....Let us know how things go.



answers from New York on

Yes the do dream. I've read studies where they have more REM sleep than adults. Not sure what they dream about, but they do. He could be starting to teeth, or it could be just growing. Sometimes when babies become more aware of the surroudings, they develop well...I called it "mommy-itus." He just does not want to be seperated from you. He probably just wanted you to comfort him. he will work through it. Heed my advise. Don't take him to bed with you. That was our mistake.



answers from New York on

Hi J.,
My son did the same thing at that age, come to think of it, he still does it every so often. I've noticed that during the day he chews on his fingers more and loves to bite hard objects. He is not a big fan of teething rings. But, it's most likely related to teething or he could be going through some changes b/c he is turning 6 months. It could be that he lost his pacifier and couldn't find it and got upset, my son does that sometimes.



answers from New York on

He could have an ear infection. Has he had a cold recently? Babies with ear infections don't like to lie down, it puts pressure on their eardrums. They cry when lying down, and then when you pick them up they seem to get better.



answers from New York on

Might be teething. Might be ear infection ? Might be hunger if he's going through a growth spurt...but as you say it might be dreaming. The times my son (also 6 months) cries intensely is ususally tied directly to something of the ideas mentioned above.
Good luck! I end up having to feed mine 1 or 2x during the night lately (ever since I went back to work when he was 4 months - before that he was sleeping through the night for the previous month....)



answers from Rochester on

Dear J., i just want to let you know that my 19 month old daughter sdoes the same thing your son does almost every other night... I have asked the doctor about it and he said they were night terrors it is like a dream for us but worse for ab baby it is like someone sleep walking or talking in their sleep....C.



answers from New York on

Could be an ear infection,
or night terrors

I would take him to the doctor just to make sure,
there is nothing physically wrong with him,




answers from New York on

Oh yes! I fully believe that babies dream... or at least are processing what has happened during the day in their sleep. Our daughter will have "night terrors" about once a week, particularly when we are out and about too long and in too many new places at once or if she meets too many new people in a day... that sort of thing. I think it has to do with starting to understand what/who they are comfortable with and everything being new. When you mention that giving him his paci helps, that is why I think he's processing the day.

If I take an extra long time getting her ready for bed those days we are out and about too long, it helps her decompress from the day so the terror isn't as bad or sometimes doesn't happen when I think it's guaranteed.

Is there something/someone new going on in his schedule? Have you been trying him on various solids? Is he taking a new class? Is he getting more active? Anything "new to him" could be the culprit. Maybe an extra snuggle or some extra relaxation time after such new experiences can sometimes help to.

Good luck!



answers from New York on

Just a thought ...every 3 months babies go through growth spurs till they are 2 yrs old. He could be having growing pains, which can be harder to ignore when resting. Try one night if you want to give him a little tylenol, see how he sleeps if it helps growing pains or teething pain(also hard to ignore when trying to rest) may be the culprit. Theeth are on the move long before you can fel them in his mouth.If it doesn't help...he may just be waking and having difficulty getting back to sleep.
FYI i've used the teething gels and they have always worked for bot my children, esp. when in alot of pain and super fussy, it gives instant relief, when the tylenol can take a 1/2 hour to kick in.



answers from Albany on

Hi J.,

Babies DO dream and it is possible he is teething. If he is that upset, I would try a dose of Tylenol. One dose isn't going to hurt him even if you find it doesn't help. Then you know it isn't something to try the next time maybe.

My youngest just went through this though a couple of weeks ago. The pediatrician said it's probably the pressure they feel from the teeth about to come through. He doesn't suggest topical gels saying he doesn't feel they really work. I used to roll up a washcloth and wet one part of it. Then I'd put it in the freezer and let it get really cold - NOT FROZEN - and give it to my sons to chew on. Of course, that doesn't help at night. There were a couple of times that I just felt so bad for him, I gave him some Tylenol and I found he slept better after doing so. Then 2 teeth broke through!! :)


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