Depression,moodiness and Short Temper

Updated on July 05, 2008
J.P. asks from Indio, CA
35 answers

I'm a Mom of 4 children 6years to 8mos. This pregnancy I battle lots of depression and after he was born everyday was hard. He is now 8mos. I throught it would have past,3or 4 days out of 7 are still very hard.I'm still nursing so I don't want to take medication. I think happy little thoughts. Help, thoughts?

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answers from Los Angeles on

Great job on looking for alternatives to medicine! The side effects are not worth the risk. I second what Leah said and the websites she referred you to.

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answers from San Diego on

Hi J.,

One good way to get yourself back in balance naturally without meds is to try acupuncture and herbs...not self-medication, since you'll get 20 different suggestions from 20 individuals, but rather a treatment that's customized to your unique pattern from an experienced practitioner. I have a couple of colleagues down in the Palm Desert area that I would be happy to refer you to if you are interested in going that route. Let me know...


S. I., L.Ac.
Lotus Wellspring Healthcare
456 E. Mission Road, Suite 100
San Marcos, CA 92069

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answers from Los Angeles on

I was watching a special on depression the other day. It said that omega-3s and exercise do wonders for depression. You can get omegas from some types of fish as well as flaxseed. Flaxseed is something you can add to your hot or cold cereal. If you like fish, try eating more fish. If you don't, you can get omega-3 suppliments that are ok to take while you're pregnant or nursing. . You should also go walking (at a good pace) or go to a gym and work out a few days a week. The study they were talking about said that in a few months - the group taking omegas and walking out scored those on certain mood enhancing meds!

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answers from Los Angeles on

Do you have anyone to help you? Will a relative babysit sometimes so you can get some time to yourself. Can you join a gym that has babysitting. You are taking care of so many kids, but you need to take care of yourself too - if you are not already exercising, execise will help with the depression. I have 5 kids, and when they were little, I did whatever I could to get in exercise. This included taking them for walks, going to the gym and taking the kids to park and while the older ones played, I ran pushing the youngest around the park - I could still see the kids. I would have been totally depressed too without exercising.

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answers from Los Angeles on

There is meds you can take that are safe while breast feeding, ask your doc, no reason to be miserable. THe benefits of the meds way out weigh the draw backs, your kids need a happy healthy mom, your hubby too! GREAT JOB BREAST FEEDING THE BEST THING FOR YOUR CHILD!!!!!!!!!

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answers from Los Angeles on

Dear J.,
You are under the gun with 4 kids all the time. I know how that feels since I had 7, now grown (I survived, thank God!). I noticed a big benefit when I began consistently taking vitamins and eat healthier foods (the kids benefit from them too). At the health food store there are vitamins that help your mood: balanced B vitamins help combat depression, also more calcium, magnesium and vit D keep your nerves from getting jangly (Twinlabs brand has a good daily (one a day) multi with everything in it). Plus GABA is a natural amino acid that promotes calmness. Good quality vitamins are not cheap, but the price is worth it in the way you feel (stronger) and can handle the day's stressors (not freaking out!). The best prices I have found are online at:
If you need advice on which ones are best call Health food city in Pasadena and ask for Martin or Jesus. They are experts on all that stuff (or look online)!
My heart goes out to you because the job you have is tough. You are like a soldier on a battlefield, fighting exhaustion AND yourself not to give up at times. Pray for God to give you strength each day. I had to go in the bathroom alone and cry out to Him for help often not to lose my cool sometimes. It's doable, don't give up, and DO do everything you can to remain strong and healthy, & take naps if you're tired. Those kids need you, so you have to take care of yourself.
I have a little illustration here I made for just your situation:
There are lots of other good tips to keep the kids acting better, too, on the other pages. Check them out, they really help a lot!
I know YOU CAN Make it!
Best, R.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Hi J., I'm a mother of 5, pregnant with #6 and I have experienced the same problem after having my last 3 babies. I found out almost 2 years ago that I have a Thyroid Disease called Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. You should ask your MD to check your thyroid funtion and also your hormone levels. I am hypothyroid and have low progestrone levels. You can also check out books on thyroid at the library. One that I thought was very helpful is called Thyroid Power. It list many symptoms of low and high thyroid to help you figure out what going on. And of course you can Google it also. I hope you get some help. If you are found to have low thyroid, you will be given throid replacement medication and it is safe for you to take while nursing and pregnant. God bless you. J.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Good Evening, well seems like you are overwhelmed. You area busy mommy. Have you thought of giving yourself some time alone. Sometimes us moms need a time out. Do not think of taking meds this will bring more ... to your plate. good luck do some reading, jogging, gardening, scrapbooking, or find a hobbie of your interest to keep busy when you have a free time.

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answers from Los Angeles on

I highly recommend getting your thyroid checked. It's a simple blood test and only takes a second. I was severly depressed after my second and turns out that was my problem. That short test changed my life in just a matter of days.
Good luck. You're doing the right thing seeking help and advice from others. Stay strong, you'll figure it all out.

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answers from Las Vegas on

i really think most of that comes with our age, plus all the hormones constantly changing from aging, being pregnant and then trying to bounce back, which is harder to do as we get older, i suggest no meds, theyve practicly ruined my sanity! i sugest you try getting at least a little you time, doing something nice for yourself at least once a week, and do as much healthy eating and excersizing as you can, it always makes me feel better, and helps me focus, when you feel overwhelmed call a friend or talk to somebody whos close to you, take a deep breath, a short walk around the block, and dont forget to pray, even if its just for your sanity

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answers from San Diego on

I feel your pain!! I myself have a daughter who will be 16yrs on 7/7, a precious lil boy turning terrible 2 on 7/29, AND I just had another beautiful lil boy 3/25! I went through the whole PPD thing when I found out that I was having such a HUGE age difference with my 1st 2 kids, then look out, I get pregnant again. I cried every day during my pregnancy and hid it from everyone. I pretended that I was as happy as can be, but inside I had sooooo many emotions and thoughts going on. It was so hard for me, and sometimes it still is. I feel so overwhelmed, like there is not enough time and not enough of me to go around for all 3 of my kids who are needy in different ways. I always have the feeling I am neglecting one, if not all 3!! My youngest is now going to be 4 months and it is getting easier for me. I am so blessed to have a wonderful father to help me, but sometimes that doesnt seem to be enough! You are always going to have those feelings, but just need to realize they are not there forever. Children are a challenge, but so so so worth it. To wake up in the mornings for work at 5am, I am so tired and grouchy, but as soon as I wake up my boys and they smile at me, it makes it all worth while. You will have your days when you seem like you cant make it through, but you are going to do fine!! Whenever you feel grouchy or done with it all, go sit with your kids and watch them smile, it will take away all your pain!! good luck!!

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answers from Los Angeles on

Dear J.,

Firstly, I want to commend you for nursing. There's nothing more magical between a mommy and her child! It's true love! And, Jeanette, I truly understand how you are feeling as a MAMA myself. Experiencing DEPRESSION is downright heartbreaking and so overwhelming, especially when you want to be the best MAMA you can be and everything becomes an effort. It's wonderful that you are researching natural and homeopathic remedies for how you are feeling. There are definitely many natural solutions that can actually help with what you are going through.

I highly recommend contacting Dr. Anita Pepi who is truly an amazing Chiropractor and Nutritionist and would definitely be able to help you naturally.

Here's her data:

2950 Los Feliz Blvd. Suite 101
Los Angeles, CA 90039
(323) 666~1088

If she is too far for you, please let me know as I may know of an incredible nutritionist that is closer to you.

I also recommend checking out 4 organizations validating why going the natural route is best for you and your family:

You'll also find some amazing data regarding alternatives at:

And, J., please watch:

Please free to reach me anytime at: (323) 906~2784 or via e~mail me at I'd love to help you however I can. And, I promise, there is light at the end of the tunnel! : )))

L. (Mama to 39 week old Dylan Orion).

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answers from Visalia on

Hi J.,

I am sorry to hear you are having such a rough time. Do you get outside much? Sunshine is one of the best mood lifters. It gives your body much needed Vitamin D which can help your mood quite a bit. You don't need much sun, just about 10-20 minutes a day on as much skin as possible, depending on your skin type with no sunscreens.

I hope this helps.


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answers from Los Angeles on

I know exactly how you feel. I recommend that you start by talking to your doctor first. I was totally against taking any medication but my doctor did alot of research for me and I found after taking the medication for 6 months I was able to be mediation free. It is work taking care of little ones, I am a director of HR and I can deal with thousands of employees but feel more exhausted while home with my three daughters now 3,5 and 7. I have been home for 4 months and I give you so much credit. Keep smiling and remember your not alone. Our babies are gifts from above.

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answers from Las Vegas on

I agree with getting some outside help. Talk to your husband about it, too.

In addition, to me it seemed helpful to nurse MORE (those hormones totally made me feel at peace!) and to be out of the house a LOT. Go to the library, have each baby pick out 2 or three books (you're going to have to help the 8 month old! Ha ha!) walk to the park and spread a blanket and read to the children. Take snacks (make it easy: a loaf of bread and some cheese or several apples and tons of water) and just feel yourself relaxing in the warm breezes. If you get sleepy, pack up and walk back home. Throw something easy in the crockpot and go to your back garden. Fill a cheap little pool with water and play with the kids. Try to not notice stuff that needs to be's not important. As a matter of fact, notify some close friends or church members that you're struggling and they're likely to pitch in with the housework or to meet you at the park. These simple things can be so helpful!!! I've done it for my friends...I'm sure your friends would love to take care of you, too!

God bless you,


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answers from Los Angeles on

I feel for you. I have an 8 month old myself but only her for now. I am 9 weeks pregnant with our second. I have been feeling very depressed these last 2 weeks and have a hard time enjoying my daughter. I have thoughts of how hard it will be with another one. I feel so tired and no energy. Did you feel this way? Bless you for having the courage to have 4. I sometimes feel that I am not made to be a mom. I only feel this way a few times a month. Before I had children I couldn't wwait and fantasied of how great it would be. Now that I am a mom I have days where I wish I was young and free again. Do other mom's feel this way and how do you cope. I feel guily for these feelings

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answers from Los Angeles on

I've had PPD 3 times to lessening degrees since I catch it quicker and fix my hormones faster each time. I've taken adrenal support, but had to try a few before it didn't bug the baby I was BFing, but the 2 things that have always been ok for the babies was starting with BioSpec DHEA 25mg each am and after 1 week, if I didn't see a huge difference, then, I added BioSpec 5HTP. I've tried other 5HTPs, but they didn't seem to have the same effect that the BioSpec did. I take Drenamin from Standard Process and my kids sleep through the night...and I'm stable....and happy...enjoying the baby.

I have never taken meds, not even an antiobiotic. There is a time and place for meds, but I have managed to make decisions and trust my holistic docs - and have never needed to go that route.

Good luck.

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answers from San Luis Obispo on

Hi Jeanette,

I am a mom of 3 and also a therapist who specializes in ppd issues. There is alot you can do. Sleep is #1. You need 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep to complete a sleep cycle. m Talk with you husband and come up with a sleep plan for you. You can pump or supplement at least one bottle in the night. Also eating is important. Try several small meals, mostly protein based. I suggest making a list of 5-6 smalll snacks and posting it. It is hard to have time to think or plan meals. Carbs and sugar make your moods more up and down. There is a ppd support line that will refer you to me so you can just call me directly if you want and we can talk on the phone. Make an appointment wih your dr. Sometimes thyroid contributes. There are many things you can do, just do something. You need to feel better, you have a lot on your plate. My # is ###-###-####. Hang in there, you will get better. PPD is very common, 1 in 6 women experience it to some degree, so you are not alone it this.


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answers from Los Angeles on

I can only imagine what you are going through. Very difficult situation. I have 5 children myself. I never did good during or after pregnancy, my hormones were really out of control. With my last baby it took me about 2 years to get back to normal, i even separated from my husband for 2 months because my mood swings, isolation,etc. When you are depressed you walk around as half of a person is horrible. My doctor prescribed an antidepressant compatible with breastfeeding and i was on it for about a 1.5 years. Although there's not a magic pill for each symptom, it did help at the time, i needed a boost to be able to perform better as a mom, partner and to redirect my thought process.
I went to therapy sessions but didn't really help,first of, it was interfering with my already busy schedule and they don't really offer the tools to use at home or when you are in the pits. So I did some reading and order CD's about the power of the mind, positive thinking, etc. I learnt to gain awareness and detect when I was getting really down and turn my mindset, i.e. going outside to get fresh air, or getting my mind busy with a project. Those CD's taught me how not to open the door to negative thoughts because sometimes your daily circumstances are okay but the negativity. sadness and hopelessness are created in your head therefore contaminating your spiritual, emotional and physical wellbeing.
Try to talk to friends, people,, talking is great therapy gets a lot out of your system. Don't become isolated.
Anyway, hope it makes sense, you'll get out of it i know it.
wish you the best.

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answers from Los Angeles on

I have 3 kids 6,4,and 3. I went through post partum depression with my last child and went to seek medical help. like you I did not want to take medication so my doctor suggested to take some personal time with out the kids. I know it's hard but I started to do it. I started going out with friends for a night out and also just go to the stores by myself. It has helped me a lot. I also used to get anxity attackes and this has helpped me. I would feel guilty at first to go do things for a few hours by myself but I know I need sometime by myself. Try doing things that you like to do. Painting, read books, walks. Maybe start with half an hour once a week or so. Hope it helps you out.

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answers from Los Angeles on

I would feel just like you with 4 children so close in age! Actually I do and I only have one baby, also 8 months. I think you have a lot on your plate. It is normal for you to feel overwhelmed. I did not want to go on medication either due to nursing. You children need you to be in good health, physically and mentally. So you need to tell your husband how you are feeling and get help, whether it is counseling or just hands-on help (volunteers).
I have been going to therapy and that helps. There are plenty of therapists that will allow you to bring your children. Maybe that could also be your time to be alone. I know whenever I get to be alone (which is very rare) I usually feel recharged and can be in mommy mode again. Hopefully you can have someone help you to have that alone time. You are not a bad mom for wanting that. When you have every person needing you, it gets hard.
You do have a lot to be thankful for, but you have a lot going on. I hope you know you are not alone and I'll be praying for you!

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answers from San Diego on

You Maybe having late Postpartum depression, give it some time, anod if you don't feel better soon, talk to your doctor, but breast` feeding or not you don't want to go meds, there are natural cures for what you are experienceing, J.



answers from San Diego on

Hi J.,

Make an appointment and talk to your doctor. There is nothing wrong with taking medication to help battle Post Partum Depression and it does NOT make you a bad person. They have meds that are safe for you to take while nursing. Talk to someone, you'll feel better! Good luck.

Call me if you'd like to chat.





answers from Los Angeles on

I would consider medication. It is nothing to be ashamed of and is only temporary.



answers from Los Angeles on

Dear J.,

I have a friend who had postpartum depression. She was told it was due to hormone (I think progesterone) levels - and was put on progesterone . . . I understand the desire to not take medication, but it may be worth talking to your ob/gyn, or primary and having your hormone levels checked . . .

Good luck!



answers from Honolulu on

J., placenta is great for helping your post partem hormones! I know it sounds kooky, but it works. If you saved yours from your birth you can dehydrate it and capsulize it. If you didn't save yours maybe you have a friend that can donate some of theirs. I didn't need mine so I gave it to a girlfriend who is a midwife. She has given it out to a couple of women battling post partem depression and it works! If you don't have access to a dehydrator you can also just eat it like normal food. My girlfriend fried it like chicken and it tasted like chicken! It makes since to me that nature already has given us the tools we need to have a baby. The placenta is rich with nutrients and because it fed your baby for the first nine months, it's not to be wasted. It also helps women stop bleeding right after birth. If this is too crazy for you, I like the previous suggestions about eating healthy and taking vitamins.



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi there. I am 37 also and just saw my OB for my annual visit. I was having the moodiness and hormone rollercoaster also. SHe told me that around ages 37-42 our hormones get a little shifty and there are things that can help. SO make an appointment to see your OB again, and just be honest about how you feel. They are there to help you. And do me a favor and remember how lucky you are to have been blessed with 4 kids! Good luck! This was a great start in asking for help, now call your OB.They see this stuff all the time and have the most knowledge in what to do next. Take care of yourself, your little ones need you to be mom and to be there 100%.



answers from Santa Barbara on

Hi J.,

Find some support group in your area where you can go interact with women and take the kids along. This is postpartum depression. You need to find some support so you don't have to take care of the kids by yourself, it's too much. You have to take care of yourself so you'll be able to take care of the kids.




answers from Los Angeles on

I truly believe exhaustion leads to depression and moodiness. Are you doing anything to take care of yourself as a women. "If moma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." Is there someone who can give you a bit of time off. Do you have friends you can go out with and have lunch, dinner or a drink. Do you work out. When was the last time you treated yourself. Children can drain you, I reccomend being creative and find ways to do things that re-energize you, so you can come back and be mom. good luck



answers from Santa Barbara on

Do you have any family or friends that can let you have so time to yourself? Even just a hour or hour and a half. Are you eating healthy and enough for you and for baby? Did you have depression with the others? Having a family especially with 4 children under 6 would make any normal person moody and a little depressed. It is an enormous amount of time and energy for the care and responsibility of children.
Take a break and maybe check with your OB/GYN.



answers from Las Vegas on

Hi J., I'm the same age and just adopted our first child so I don't have PPD horomones to blame but I can relate to you feelings.

I set goals for and keep a journal of my daily activities (how much I sleep, eat, exercise, feel etc.) I find when I write down things I am better at doing what I know I should do, like eat better, exercise more, be patient with DH. In the end my emotions are often more balanced and I feel better.

Good luck to you!



answers from Los Angeles on

Sounds like you need to start seeing a therapist. Seeing a therapist doesn't mean you have to take meds. I think people have a misconception about psych meds. They don't 'cure' you. They are not ment to. Medication is just another tool to help you get better. All they do is help make it easier to overcome your problems. Talk therapy is another way to fight depression and can be very effective with or without meds. I would say try talk therapy while you are still nursing. If after time, when you are done nursing, you still feel like you are not making the progress you want, then try meds. There is nothing wrong with trying to better yourself. I wish you all the best in your efforts.



answers from Los Angeles on

For your kids sake, for your sake, please see a Dr. It doesn't mean you'll need to be put on medication. It may be as simple as eating better and exersising (not to say that you aren't already doing this but if you aren't, those two things alone can be a cureall). Also, if you aren't already part of a Mom's group, join one or start your own! I find the daily interaction I have with my Mommy friends to be very theraputic.

You have a lot on your plate, so it is no suprise you are under a "little" stress. Reach out - just like you did here on Mamasource. Talk to your husband, talk to your Dr.

Best wishes,



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi! J.,
You sound very much like me. I have come to realize that I have been depressed since I hit puberty. I also had 4 children in 6 years, 6 months and 5 days. I spent the next two years wearing out a recliner. I didn't talk to my doctor until just resently and my youngest is 28 now.
I don't have any answers, only a warning. Alot of the pills will turn off your ability to have an organism. I would use that as a very last resort.
If you have friends close, try getting out as much as you can and they said exercise helps. However, if you are really depressed, who feels like that. Your friends might be willing to help you get out and walk or exercise.



answers from Los Angeles on

Try to look for help with friends maybe do a play date with your friends kids. Also try having someone come atleast once a week to help you with the kids as a friend or pay job so that you have time to yourself. You can always email me and we can talk via mail so that you do not feel left out or depressed. I wish you well and take deep breaths in the morning and say thank you lord for letting me breath this morning.


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