Cupcakes in Icecream Cones

Updated on February 13, 2011
V.M. asks from Conneaut, OH
9 answers

making treats for the valentines day party at school. Looking for any tips on how to make them so they look good and taste good. and how to transport. I check allrecipies .com thinking they would have the low down but was disappointed. One person suggested baking them in the muffin pan and then taking them out and sticking them in the cones instead of baking the batter in the cone. would that work???? sounds like a hassle but i would do it in order to get them a uniform height.

thanks for any help.

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So What Happened?

I"m so excited to share since they came out cute.

First, i took a shirt gift box , covered it with tin foil, cut x's in it with an exto to make holes to slide the cones in when transporting. i'll let youknow how that goes. and just saran wrap on the top with tooth picks to hold it up off the frosting.

I bought a box of 24 flat bottome cones. they were the perfect size. I baked the cupcakes in a mini muffin pan with no liners. they popped out so easy just by spraying with pam. I make 48 mini cupcakes but only had 24 cups so you may want to think about htat. I was worried about over filling the pan but half full was fine and if i filled it 3/4 it did give it a little rim that sat on the top of the cone whichwas ok too, just a little harder to make look like a cone. I did put frosting aroudn the inside ring of the cones to help stick the cupcake on. frosted those babies up and covered them in sprinkles. I think this would be so fun to do again.

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answers from Allentown on

I have seen a few recipes where you bake as usual but before putting them in the oven in the cupcake pan you place the cone in upside down. I bought the cupcake try for the cones but you can only make about 6 at a time

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answers from Boston on

I used to bake the batter IN the small cones (flat bottomed cake cones). Fill the cone about half full with batter, drop in some chocolate chips & bake. You can frost 'em or put whipped cream on the top or whatever. A pretty yummy treat! By the way, if you're reasonably consistent about how much batter you put in, don't sweat it if they're not all exactly a uniform height.



answers from Dallas on

This might help (it's a couple recipes where they've made it w/ icecream cones, just click on the pics!):

Good luck!


answers from Spokane on

The few times I've done this I've just cooked right in the cone. Use flat bottom cake cones and place them in a baking dish and cook that way. Don't worry if they're not exact same height as long as you used the same amount of batter in each cone. Don't just stick to allrecipes to find out about it either. Google cupcake ice cream cones, etc. and you would be amazed at the amount of ideas and info you'll find about them. They're pretty popular. Good luck and have lots of fun making them. I always do.



answers from San Francisco on

the parents of one of my daughters' classmates made the cupcakes in flat bottom ice cream cones for their son's b-day party. They transported them by cutting holes in one side of an empty cardboard boxes (cereal box size if I remember correctly) and inserting the cones in the holes


answers from Los Angeles on

Just bake in the cone, it's much easier.
Use the flat bottom cones.
Fill up to that little rim you see on the inside.
Beware you might have to bake them a little longer to get them to cook all the way through (sometimes not though, depends on oven).
As far as transport, whenever I transport anything with frosting I make sure they are refridgerated first. This lets the icing get stiff (because it's cold) so even if the bump a little in the car it won't ruin the pretty icing technique I created. So I would say stick them in the fridge then put them in a box and make sure they can't bump too much.
They're great. Have fun!
Ohh and if you really want to get creative you can check out bakerella...


answers from Modesto on

I would make a chocolate cake and then crumble it. Make a pan of chocolate pudding and pour it in with the cake, mix slightly. Use a spoon to spoon the cooled mixture into the ice cream cones. How to transport them? I have no clue.



answers from Cleveland on

i wouldnt bake them in cones because they become stale i would bake them off and then instert them

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