Considering Having My Tubes Tied During My C-section Delivery

Updated on June 06, 2008
J.H. asks from Oceanside, CA
42 answers

Hi there
I am seriously having my tubes tied during my delivery via c-section of our third child. my husband and I totally see eye to eye on the fact this third pregnancy will be my last and that we are blessed with 2 and soon to be 3 children. He is more than happy to have a vasectomy done, but since i am having a csection and my OB is already gonna be in the neighborhood, I figured I would just get my tubes tied. I have gone over it with my OB, as far as the procedure and the complications, but of course, since he has never gone thru it himself, i thought i'd seek the advice or experiences of other women who have gone through it themselves and see if there is anything side effects related to this procedure that may not necessarily be in the medical journals. thanks!

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Thank you everyone for your candid and honest responses. I have a big decision ahead of me. With prayer, research and your thoughtful advice, I know that I will make the right decision for myself and my family.

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answers from Santa Barbara on

Go for it! I had it done and the only "after effects" was the feeling of relief at not having to worry about getting pregnant again! G.



answers from Los Angeles on

Peice of cake, I had this done about 17 yrs ago, it did not take me longer to heal, and felt no side effects, I had one regret, we have two awesome kids ( now teens ) many years later oh about 8 yrs later I wanted another child, it was really based on the kids were growing up Imissed that cuddling with them, I missed the baby stage, so I wanted another baby. Well tubes tied you can do this, well you can but I was not going to pay the 10,000 bucks to reverse it. It was best, my hubby reminded me of the tolls & troubles of early motherhood... Oh yea I forgot about that.. moved on !!

You will be fine,



answers from San Luis Obispo on

I am 40 and had my tubes tied when I had my 2nd C Section in April of 2007. I have not had any side effects and truthfully the recovery from the 2nd section was much easier than the first.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Congrats on the upcoming birth of your 3rd!
I had my tubes tied after my 2nd child about 3 months ago. I had 2 C's and since my doctor was already in there and it was covered by my insurance (I think I had a $40 co-pay for it), we decided it would be easier than a vasectomy. I haven't had ANY complications, though it did take me a little longer to recover than the last time I had a C-Section. There is a bit more pain, but that's why they invented drugs, right? And the pain just filter through the pain that's already there with the surgery.
I think it was the best decision we made! My son is only 3 months old, but I have no regrets. I guess I am so sleep deprived that the thought of having another one doesn't even enter my mind...

Good luck!

1 mom found this helpful


answers from San Diego on

hi J.,
i just had this done myself 2 months ago after the birth of my 2nd child. i was worried at first after hearing about so many horror stories on the internet...but after doing more research and talking with my OB I decided to go through with it for many of the reasons you mentioned.

I had no complications at all and am totally recovered from the C (my second one). i have heard complications often arise from those women who are already perimenopausal and who have been on the pill for a long time just prior to the surgery (neither applied to me).

hope this info helps you in making your decision!

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Los Angeles on

I had my tubes tied after my second c section and no problems, side effects or complaints! I just knew that I was truly done having children and it was the right decision for me. I hope that if you do tie your tubes, that you know with certainty that it is what you want to do. Good Luck with number 3!



answers from Las Vegas on

After the birth of my daughter (2nd child), I went in to have my tubes tied. I did not have a c-section, but went the epidural route, so my OB went in one inch under my belly button. Recovering from it was painful, but that went away in a few days. It's great not having to deal with birth control.



answers from Las Vegas on

I had it done and I have no regrets. If you know that it is your last then go for it. No taking birth control, no worrying when your period is late. Since the doctor is in there anyway might as well. It is better then going back when the baby is a couple of months old and going through another procedure. I can say to be sure. When I had mine done my doctor cut chunks out of the tubes so it is not reversible. I had a friend that had her doctor just tie them off and she was able to have hers reversed. If there is ever a chance that you would change your mind then don't do it. I now look at people with babies and kind fof cringe. Once my youngest was out of diapers there wasn't anything in the world that would make me go back and do it again.



answers from Visalia on

You won't even know you had it done. Its no big deal and It doesn't change a thing in your life.
Do NOt have them remove your overies though they still need to be there to produce estrogen.



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi J., I was considering the same thing. But changed my mind due to the information I was told. Having your tubes tied (especially at a young age) can bring on the effects of menopause. Personally, I feel having your body begin this stage of your life naturally might be a better choice. Also since you are having a c-section, you wont just be recovering from that, but 2 procedures. Just something to think about...
Blessings to you and your family,



answers from San Diego on

hi there i have had 3 c sections got my tubes with my last baby. when having your tubes tied its so more pain than a c section. so you wont have to worry about anything its pretty easy. my 3 rd c section was ok not to bad well good luck



answers from San Diego on

From my days as a biology major, I remember my male anatomy professor saying how invasive the procedure is for a woman, even if you're already having a c-section. The procedure on a male is almost negligible; perhaps a day of some discomfort, but that's it.
If anything goes amiss for you, it would require surgery again. For the male, it would be an outpatient procedure during his lunch hour.

Good luck



answers from Reno on

My mom had her tubes tied in the early 80s. I had my tubes tied in 2001 (not after a c-sectionN). Neither of us had any complications, other than feeling a bit wiped out for a day or two. It was the best thing I ever did.

Good luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

Had the same thing done about a year ago. No complications or problems. Glad to not have to worry about protection or an oops 4th baby. 3 is plenty for us. Good luck with baby #3 - I can't imagine our family without her.



answers from Los Angeles on

J. ~ I had my tubes tied about 14 years ago. It was actually my 30th birthday present to myself! I have no regrets. I thought I wanted another baby about 2 years ago when my youngest was a senior in high school, so I got a puppy, it was such a great choice! I too love my freedom, but my freedome comes in the form of going places and doing things that I want to do. I've raised my girls and now it's me time! My husband and I are free to go where we want, when we want. Good luck and make sure it is what you really want. Oh, and I too had heavier cycles than usual, but that was it. Small price to pay for freedome once your kids go to college.



answers from Los Angeles on

Hey J.,

Have a 17 and 16 year old and decided to have my tubes tied about 15 years ago and glad to say, no side affects!! Love the freedom of not having to use any birth control, which I was having side affects from!! Love it, Love it love it!!!!!! Good Luck




answers from San Diego on

It's the best time to do it during your c-sections I have my tubes tied when I was 30; 3 months later my ex-husband left us, got divorced with two wonderful boys, and I remarried when I was 36 with a wonderful husband he got no Kids only him and his mother, so I decided to tried and make him a Daddy, it work I went thru a tubal reversal after 7 years, I got pregnant again and have a precious little boy he is 3 yrs old now, and have my tubes tied again on my c-section no problems no side effects I did it twice, so don't be scared.
I wish you the best, God bless you and your family.



answers from Las Vegas on

The only thing I can tell you, is about my experience and how I regretted it 12 years later. The procedure went fine, I was 23 years old, had it done with my c section after my 2nd child. It seemed the logical thing to do, like you, I was happily married at the time, we had the perfect family, one boy and one girl. 10 years later, we divorced, (I never thought it would happen, like most). 2 years later, I met the man of my dreams. We have been married 12 years. I never knew the difference betweeen true love and lust, because I had been so young the first time I married. He wanted children and we tried "in vitro" 3 times with no results. We are still very happy together, but I feel so badly about not being able to give him a child, even though he says having mine as step children is just as good. My daughter just gave us our first grandchild and it brings tears to my eyes to see my husband with her. What a joy he missed out on by not having his own children.
Sorry to give you so much information about myself, but I wanted you to really think this through. I never regretted the tubal ligation until I met my second husband. It is something you never think will happen to you (divorce), but the reality is that it does happen alot. If your husband has the vasectomy, it is more easily reversed then the tubal ligation is. (Mine was too complicated to reverse, because of the way they cut the tubes).
I also reasoned mine out saying, why not have the procedure since they are already doing the c section and yes it makes perfect sense, but just be sure to think about long term repercussions.
Good Luck in your decision and Congrats on the new baby!



answers from Los Angeles on

Having your tubes tied during c-section is the best way to get it done. You will have no more pain than if you had just had the section itself. Its very easy for the doctors to see what they are doing, so the procedure will be done well and clean (which means less chance of an oops later). Good luck with everything!



answers from Los Angeles on

Have a friend who had it done and has complained of horrible side effects. You should really research ALL sides of it before you take this giant leap. Are you positively sure you and your hubby don't want more children?

Life must be crazy with your little ones and one on the way.....but this is the best part of life. Embrace it and cherish your little ones....they grow up way too fast. Be blessed!



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi J.,
I love having my tubes tied and not worrying about birth control. I had one side effect. For awhile after the birth, my periods got really heavy. I went from very light flow to changing every few hours hour sometimes. That lasted a few years and now my beautiful boy if 5 and I am back to normal.



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi J.,
I had it done this last December and yes it is painful. I have never had a C-Section so I don't know how that compares in the level of pain. I did however have my last 3rd baby with no pain medication(not by choice). So yes I do know pain.
The recovery is slow and like I said painful mainly on your sides.
It has been 5 months since and to this day I still get a jolt of pain out of the blue. Given that it only lasts about 1 minute. But who needs that to throw your day off. Also my periods have been irregular going from always being on schedule I would say that's a side affect. Did I forget to also mention the much heavier flow.
I would recommend that you do take the time to research the pros and cons. Because I like you kept hearing "OH its the best thing you don't feel a thing" "No more birth control"etc...
I think it makes sense that there would be some kind of side affect you are doing something to your body that isn't natural.(Personal input)
Good Luck with your decision.



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi J.,

I did tied my tubes during my delivery via c-section on our second child. That was 5 years ago. Funtunately I have no side effects, I feel the same. But every person has different body, we might have different result or effect. So far, I'm ok. (Just want to share my experienced).




answers from Los Angeles on

Hi J.,
I had my tubes tied with my fourth child and during my c-section. It was wonderful. Having a fourth child at 39 years of age really put a strain on my body and my uterus was starting to drop. When my doctor did the tubal he also did like a mini lift. After having that baby I felt rejuvenated! The only problem that I have had is that my periods changed. Doctor stated that the tubal had nothing to do with it but I think he is wrong. My periods used to be very, very light, lasted about three days (If that) and I never had cramps at all. Now Full 7 days, Cramps like crazy and flowing like a river with clots. My doctor thinks it is because of my age and just offered to insert an IUD-Merina. Which I have not done yet. But otherwise...It was no problem at the C-section. Alot better than taking a pill. (I am fertle-mertle).Hopes this helps in your decision.



answers from Las Vegas on

No complications. I just had a c-section and tubal 3 months ago and had no complications. Just like your dr said, there's still a chance to get pregnant, but very slim. When you're in the delivery room, it will take a little longer than normal because of the extra procedure. My husband had offered for him to get a vasectomy but since I would be having a c-section anyways it made more sense for me to do it.

Hope this helps.



answers from San Diego on

Last year I had my tubes tied after my 3rd C-section and I have not had any complications. My periods are about how they used to be. I am 40 and have noticed over the past couple of years that I've had more PMS symptoms, but this occurred before getting pregnant the 3rd time and tubal ligation (my doctor said it was age). I hadn't heard there long term side effects until after I had the procedure done. I had always planned on my husband getting a vasectomy, but I had some complications during pregnancy (I had to have a surgery at 7 months pregnant), and a heart complication during delivery. This pregnancy was h*** o* my body, so I decided to go for the tubal. We also figured that we'd have to deal with another surgery in a few months for my husband so I went ahead and did it. Like other people have said, do your own research about the pros and cons and figure out what's right for you. Good Luck!



answers from Los Angeles on


I had my tube tied during my third c-section. I had no side effects and did not notice a difference from my other 2 c-sections. The only thing that took getting used to was the fact that I could not have any more children. I have three and did not want anymore. But not wanting anymore and not being able to have anymore takes getting used to. That was eight years ago and as I got older that feeling disappeared. It was a good decision for me.

Good Luck!!



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi J.,

I too had my tubes burned and snip, after my third child and having a c-section, I think that my body did not like all the work that was being done to it, I was in the hopital for 7 days and I was very uncomfortable after coming home for a while more than when I had the first two c-sections. Stay active, I also do not have a high tolerance for pain. I also had fever for 5 days so, good luck. I pray you do not experience any of those things and that your tubilgation goes well.



answers from Los Angeles on

I had it done right after my 3rd C-Section. Best time to do it. Already going through a surgery. No side effects. You are recovering anyway from the C-section. Not having to worry about birth control is great!!!



answers from San Luis Obispo on

I did it. Exactly the way you are doing it. My OB pulled my baby out and tied my tubes five minutes later. I was happy and relieved that I don't have to worry about it. I had no complications, no side effects. I have a small cramp about the middle of my cycle now, I think that is when I am ovulating. I have slightly worse PMS cramps. But otherwise, it has totally put my mind at ease. One thing to think about is if you are younger than 28, the chances of you getting pregnant (your tubes growing back) in 15 years is greater. That is my only concern, but I had it done 3 years ago and totally love it. I would just suggest researching everything you can about it and talk to your OB about his procedure and what method they use to tie them. If you are younger than 28, you may consider having your hubby do it too, like I am!



answers from Los Angeles on

A Pre-Congratulations on your new little one! Another suggestion; I dont know how old you are, and therefore how many more years you may be fertile, but, have you considered getting an IUC (Intra-Uterine Contraceptive) implanted instead? There are two kinds approved for use in the U.S: one of them works by releasing small amounts of hormone and is good for 5 years. the second kind, which I have,called PARAGARD, does not have hormones, but instead is wrapped in copper, and is good for 10 years, no hormones, no surgery, and less pregnancies occur per year with it than with a tubal ligation even! The only side effects experienced by some women is spotting and cramping in between periods, and those effects, if experienced, usually disappear after the first few weeks to few months. And if you do decide you want to have another baby, you can have it removed and get pregnant within the first month. something to consider, eh?
Good Luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

Here is another recent post about a woman with pain after TL. A few women had to have their TL's reversed to get rid of their pain.

Would you want to take any of those risks?
Less risk for your husband getting a vasectomy.



answers from Santa Barbara on

I am 58 years old and had my tubes tied 25 years ago. I have not had any noticeable side effects and am so happy I did it. I would recommend some acupuncture after you recover from the surgeries to be sure the energy is moving in your whole body.
Menopause was not affected by the tubal ligation. I just went through menopause last year and it was fairly easy.



answers from Los Angeles on

I had my tubes tied and my husband swears it changed me. I can't see it, but it proably messed with my hormones and the natural process of how a woman's body is supposed to work. A vasectomy is a much easier process and reversal. Since you will have to deal with the pain of recovering from a C-Section why don't you let him deal with the pain of a vasectomy? Especially since he doesn't mind doing it.



answers from Visalia on

Hi J.,
I just had my 3rd baby, and 3rd C section in Jan. I went ahead and had my tubes tied, and it wasn't a big deal at all. I had a bit more pain then I remember after the first 2 , like when they push on your belly that kind of thing. Other then that I have felt the same as the other two times. Good Luck, but as far as I am concerned "they were already in there, so why not".



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi J. I had my tubes tied after the bith of my twin boys during my c-section. I dont remember any side effects... the side effect of my children arent baby-babies any more and I miss that! I regret having a c-setion sometimes...I guess theres a side effect for you :) good luck P.



answers from Los Angeles on

i had it done 28 years ago after the (natural) birth of my second son...i never regretted it once. only wanted two kids. i was 20 at the time...yes, i young! but i would still be having kids had i not done it! my moms oldest & youngest are 20 years apart & i did not want that for myself, nor could i have afforded anymore & teens are horrible! i now have a 3 year old grandaughter who is the apple of my eye!!! best thing that has ever happened to me & i did miss having a girl. i have had no side effects & no complications at all. glad i did it!!! good luck! c.k.



answers from Portland on

I had a tubal during my third c-section. No complications and no problems. It was a great decision. Simple, fast, covered by insurance, no side effects. It is a great feeling to know our family is complete.



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi J.: congratulations on the upcoming birth of your third child! I'm in a similar situation: I'm expecting my 6th baby in a couple of months and I've already signed the paperwork to get a tubal ligation. I had done a lot of research on the topic and came across all this scarey information about it-even on this posting site. I talked to my OB twice about it, and even an OB friend of mine for a second opinion. It seems that with their combined 30+ years of experience, and both doctors having excellent training and a lot of integrity, that there's nothing in their experience or in the medical literature to support scrarey claims about TL's. There is a lot of misinformation, though, and "blameshifting" of the procedure to what might be a woman's natural aging process.
So, I feel fine having the procedure done.
A side note: I was done having kids after my 2nd child, and then after my 4th for sure. My husband and I were not in agreement about having more children, but I agreed to have my 5th - who is now 2 and adorable! And then, of course, I wanted a 6th baby and so here we are. I so enjoy all of my children - even though raising kids is challenging at times, it is quite a joy. My husband and I agree that 6 kids is a good number to stop at, although he's told me he will probably want another one when this baby is 1; it's such a cute age. The important thing is that you and your husband agree - very important. God bless you!



answers from Los Angeles on

Well, I had my tubes tied March of 07 after my c-section. I was told I would probably have heavier periods. At first I did, but now they have gone more back to normal before babies and c-section. That's about it for me. Good luck.


answers from Visalia on

i had it done after the c-section. it takes alittle bit more time to heal but all was good. this was 18 yrs ago, i was 34 yrs old, i'm still fine.



answers from Los Angeles on

My friend had it done after her 3rd c-section....and was so glad.

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