Can You Recommend a Good and Affordable Moving Company?

Updated on May 17, 2007
T. asks from Plano, TX
6 answers

Hi ladies!

We are moving to anew house in May and I am looking for an affordable and efficient company. Has anybody used AB Moving company? Any comments?

Thanks in advance for your assistance!


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answers from Dallas on

Whatever you do do NOT use They moved us from our apartment to our house and put our big TV in the loveseat. They broke the TV and ruined my loveseat. I didn't put two and two together regarding the damage of my loveseat until after I received compensation for my TV. After several phone calls to this company to replace my TV, they gave me a "market value" rate, which did not replace my TV at all. I even had the original receipt to show what we paid for it! Needless to say I was livid, and still pretty hot over my loveseat. Good luck with finding a good one.

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answers from Dallas on

Hi, Good luck with your upcoming move. It is one of the most stressful things you can do in your life, but once you are in your new place it will be worth all the work. My daughter moved last September when she was 9 months pregnant. We used a company called "Apple Moving". They were great. Showed up on time and were very careful not to destroy anything. Their prices were very reasonable too. NAYY, HTH, Nana



answers from Dallas on

Apple Movers - they moved us last July and it was around $400. Nothing was broken or missing. They were on time and fast. They are very nice and accomodating. I would recommend them to anyone!



answers from Dallas on

Hi T.,

Call Brian at Mighty Movers, ###-###-####. I know that he and his crew are reliable and professional and they are careful but fast. Watching them move us amazed me!

Good luck,



answers from Dallas on

I had great luck with Firehouse Movers:



answers from Dallas on

I used AB Moving twice and when I used them the first time, I moved from an apartment and placed my things in storage and It was a flat rate of 300.00 when I used the second time from the storage to a house it about 400.00. I am looking for movers myself now and I called them and they quoted me 625.00 and we are not moving that much stuff. They were pretty good nothing was broken and they were fast.

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