Breastfeeding Mom and 4 Month Old with Diarreah

Updated on July 06, 2011
M.P. asks from Rio Rancho, NM
5 answers

On sunday my baby got diarreah. I thought that it was a reaction to the rice cereal I started feeding him on Friday night. I stopped feeding him the cereal and by monday morning he was have less dirty diapers. Then on monday morning I started having diarreah and now starting last night he is having it again. I am breastfeeding him esclusivly and am affraid that this could go on forever if we keep passing it back and forth. I pump while I am at work and then put it in the freezer for a later day and I have about 2 weeks stored in the freezer. Should I just use the fresh milk while we are sick and then go back to using the frozen stuff or will the virus not stay in the milk? Also is there a way to help both of us get over this as quick as possible. I really dont want my 4yearold getting it as she had a virus last week that was vomiting and diarreah but only lasted 24hr.

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answers from Dallas on

Just keep nursing and lay off on the cereal until you're both feeling better. Practice good hygeine procedures- I go around with wipes and wipe down all the doorknobs, light switches and remote controls when we're sick.

Feel better soon!

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answers from Saginaw on

No, the virus won't spread from you through the milk. You may want to use the fresh milk though, because any antibodies you are producing to fight the bug will pass on to your son through the milk. So, the fresh milk with antibodies will do more good for your son now, than in it will in 2 weeks.

As for getting over it sooner, keep hydrated and get as much rest as possible.

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answers from Tampa on

Breastfeeding while sick is giving your child your immunities to the bacteria or virus. It is helpful, not harmful. As for the rice cereal - the baby is WAY too young for that now anyways and will cause stomach upset/irritation/inflammation - which I'm sure is making his GI Tract a breeding ground for foreign bacteria. The VIRUS isn't in the milk, the antibodies are. The passing of germs from Momma to Baby are from kisses, sharing utensils/spit and not washing your hands.

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answers from Raleigh on

Your baby is not getting sick from the milk. Viruses are not transmitted that way. Diarrhea is spread through the fecal oral route. Basically when you get poop on your hands and don't wash them properly and then eat or touch your face. Make sure that everyone in the house is washing after using the bathroom. Sanitize all doorknobs phones counters anywhere that you touch. Hope you all get better soon.

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answers from Albuquerque on

You are mistaken in how breastmilk affects your child's health. It is VITAL you nurse right now and nurse as often as possible. Your breasts are making antibodies to fight whatever is making your child sick. The stored milk will not necessarily have those in it (it might, but it's hard to know for sure, while you know your current breastmilk does). You are not passing the illness back and forth via breastmilk!

Continue nursing OFTEN! Watch you 4 year old, make sure she washes her hands often. She is most likely transmitting it. You taking herbal remedies safe for babies is the best way to transfer healing aids to the baby via your treatment. But breastmilk is absolutely the best medicine at this point. I encourage you to look into LLL meetings for breastfeeding support and information. You can also check out this local business for herbalism classes focused on families with young children and pregnant/nursing moms:

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