Bored Toddler

Updated on October 31, 2007
M.W. asks from Kansas City, MO
5 answers

I get the feeling lately that my 17 month old is pretty bored with the things we do daily. What are some new activities that we can do together that are relatively inexpensive? I can't seem to find a 'storytime' at our local library and we're not part of a playgroup. Should I be? Sometimes I just don't know what to do with him. Are there any parks around the area or nature trails? Any advice would be great.

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answers from Kansas City on

The North Kansas City library has an excellend Children's Library with a wonderful storytime. It's a little further for you, but definitely worth checking out. We attend every single week and my kids love it! Airzone was mentioned by another mom and we love that too. I don't know alot about the parks up near you, but we love Macken Park (North Kansas City) and Penguin Park (Vivion and Jackson)

Also, check out Toddler Town at the Sermon Community Center in Independence. (corner of Noland and Truman Rd) The cost is $1/child and the gym is full of ride on toys, Little Tykes equipment, blocks, etc It's MWF from 10-12 every week. Kids can run and play to their heart's content!

My church has a playgroup that meets at a different park/museum/activity every week. If you'd like more info, just send me a message!



answers from Kansas City on

The boardwalk branch of the library over by Lowes offers storytime on Tuesdays and wenesdays.I would call to check the time, but they offer other programs for toddlers as well.



answers from Kansas City on

Have you thought about Parents As Teachers, as part of it you would have access to playgroups at Park Hill's early childhood center, as well as activities they sponsor. Zona Rosa has the play area under Marshalls, there's the playground across the street from Park Hill High School, just south of the Sonic. There's a big park east of you off Barry Road and Old Stagecoach, just turn north onto Old Stagecoach and it's on your left, it has a long trail around it as well as two playgrounds. There's a new place on North Oak called AirZone, you can google it, full of inflatables and they have playtimes. Mercury Gymnastics near the airport has playtimes, again you could google them.
Hope that helps!



answers from Kansas City on

Where do you live? Parks with toddler playgrounds are great. Some of the malls (like Oak Park) have an indoor play area that is great when the weather turns cold or rainy. Try going for walks outside when the weather is nice. Consider taking him to visit a local nursing home. Many of the elderly do not get visitors or have an opportunity to see little children. They absolutely love to have a short visit that includes toddlers. If you bicycle, consider getting a cart for him to ride in behind the bike. My kids loved this when they were little and it helped me stay in great shape!



answers from Kansas City on

i live in the zona rosa area too. the midcontinent library by walmart has storytime once a week. usually when you first walk in there is someone you can talk to about their events. there are age groups. i don't remember what day it is because my son is too young to go (almost 7 months). you can also go to just to sit and read books, for a change of pace. also, like another lady mentioned, the play area at zona rosa.
there is a park near by, if you keep going down barry(east) and turn left at the light by joann, follow that street down a bit and it's on the left. there's another one in the same area, but i couldn't remember how to get to it last time i tried. hope this info helps

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