Book About What Happens to Girls During Pueberty

Updated on April 24, 2010
T.M. asks from Scottsdale, AZ
11 answers

My brother-in-law has 3 girls, 10, 8, & 6, and is clueless about what happens to a girls body during pueberty. I know a long time ago I saw a great book that would explain to him what his daughters were going through. Unfortunately, I can't find it. Never knew the name of the book or the author, just kind of remember the cover art. I'm looking for some reccomendations for him. I've found books geared towards teenagers, just not towards a single dad. A little background: My sister died 2 years ago and they live 1.700 miles away. Not close enough to see the girls on a regular basis to help them through the rough stuff of being a teenager. On top of that, they all seem to have a phobia about talking on the phone so when we do, it's speakerphone and it's not very private.

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answers from Flagstaff on

This week my daughter brought home the "Always changing and growing up" guide, along with a parent's guide. It is a school program put out by Always. I was impressed with the information given, especially on how to deal with the changes girls go through. You can find the info online, along with the guide, at . There is also a website specifically for girls at It has info, games, music, and quizzes as well as giving girls the opportunity to "ask Iris" any questions they may have about puberty.

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answers from Philadelphia on

Yes, the American Girl book "The Care and Keeping of You" is awesome. Also "The Emotions Book: The Care and Keeping of Your Emotions" is good. I've been reading them on and off with my 7 and 9 yr old daughters for a couple of years now. And not too soon either, my 9yr old is seriously starting puberty! Already! But that's another issue...

1 mom found this helpful


answers from San Francisco on

Seconding the rec for "The Care and Keeping of You" - the explanations are done in a way that IMO seems age appropriate for your nieces (I got it for my 8YO girls)


answers from Dallas on

Kudos to you for tyring to help. COMMUNICATION is so key. Do they have a teacher, neighbor or someone they trust?

American Girl has a book call The Care and Keeping of You. It is good.

Good luck


answers from Columbia on

You are a sweet aunt for caring enough to help your BIL with this!
I agree with T.F. The Care and Keeping of You book was really helpful for my daughter. Some of the artwork is pretty umm... well... detailed LOL but it is informative and helps the girls understand their bodies. I started the conversation with my daughter and gave her the book because I wanted her to be able to reference it whenever she felt like she needed to. She appreciated it because it answers some of those embarrassing questions they don't really like to ask! We talk about everything, but the book was a big help!
Good luck!



answers from Phoenix on

I am so sorry about your sister. My condolences to you and your family.

I would HIGHLY recommend American Girl books. I have bought the following and they are great:
The Care & Keeping of You: The Body Book for Girls, The Feelings Book: The Care & Keeping of Your Emotions, Is This Normal?: Girls Questions, Answered by the Editors of the Care & Keeping of You. They are for the girls to read and reference. There are a lot more, so if he is able to go to the book store or American Girl website, he could check them out. I would recommend he reads them first just to make sure he agrees with what they say. Best of luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

Definitely the American Girl Book. I have an 11 year old and a 13 year old girl. My 11 year old is more developed than my 13 year old. I had gone through the book with my older daughter because she is more open about everything. When I discovered my 11 yr old was more developed than I thought, I handed her the book and told her to look through it on her own. She is more easily embarrassed so I wanted to give her a chance to look through it alone first. I then went back in about 30 minutes later and we talked about it and she asked questions. I love that book, and it gives you an opportunity to open up the dialogue for other questions. Each of my girls have their own copy so they can reference it if they want to.



answers from Phoenix on

American Girl has a few really good books! I know they usually sell one of them and CVS, but I do know that Barnes and Noble sells them. They are amazing books. Some of them actually have places for the girls to write their own answers/issues. If you can't find them check the website for American Girl too!



answers from Toledo on

I don't know if it's still around, but my mom found a book called "Now You Are 10" because she found it difficult to talk about such things. It was many years ago, but or the library would be where to start looking for help. "Sex education" starts at about 3 years with talk of keeping our private parts clean and goes on into adulthood. He needs to be able to talk to all three about any and all aspects of their bodies. The sooner he can do it without embarrassment, the better they will be. The conversations and books should be about biology/anatomy. It doesn't matter whether it's dad or mom who provides the information. Kids just want the facts.If he can't talk to them about this, who knows what kinds of info they'll get from peers. This is a challenge for all of us, not just dads. Be there for him, he has his hands full.


answers from Phoenix on

The christian book store has the American Girl book mentioned below as well as a series of books based on their age. And they are not necessarily "religious" but very informative. I have a 7 yo son and 10 yo daughter and bought the American Girl book as well as the "how to talk to your kids about sex" books. Good luck!



answers from Tucson on

i just checked on amazon, they have all kinds of neat books for girls that he can flip through before they read them. check under "girls puberty"

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