Are You Flippin' Kidding Me?

Updated on March 01, 2012
V.W. asks from Chisago City, MN
22 answers

Okay, I went to an orthopedic surgeon today for my wrist (See my last few posts for what's been going on with that if you don't already know).

Let me start by saying that when I made this appointment, I didn't request this Dr. I just told the nurse that there was something wrong with my wrist, and she said that she would get me an appointment with Dr. Anderson. I have had no experience with this Dr or clinic before so I wasn't sure what to expect.

So the dr examines my wrist (Not very thoroughly), and went over my X-rays and MRIs that I had done at other clinics. He tells me the same thing that everybody else has been telling me - He has absolutely no clue what's wrong. Then he says, 'But I'm not a wrist specialist. I'm a hip and leg specialist. You're best bet would be to go to a wrist specialist and get another opinion.'


Why the hell did your receptionist give me an appointment with a hip/leg guy when I specifically told her that there was something wrong with my wrist? So I woke up early, drove 2 and a half hours in the middle of a snow storm to get here, spent money that I don't have just to see you (Who I thought was a wrist specialist), just to be told that you have no clue because you're not a wrist specialist! Really? OH MY GOD!!

Sorry, I really needed to vent. I haven't been able to sleep the past 5 days because the pain in my wrist has been so bad, so that may be why I'm in such a bad mood. Plus, I have to take a leave of absence from work until I can get something figured out with my left wrist because I'm overusing my right wrist since I can't use my left wrist. My work doesn't want it to get to the point where I injure my right wrist from overusing it because then it will be a work comp thing.

Anyone else having a bad day?

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answers from Los Angeles on

On the 21st you said the Chiropractor found the problem and it was scar tissue? Did you let this Dr. know that? What did he say about it?

~I am a bit perplexed by you? But I wish you the best!

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answers from Atlanta on

Again - still trying to understand your world and your priorities.

You should have gone to the doctor at the time you injured it.
When you received the recommendation from your future MIL - did you find out anything about the doctor BEFORE you went to him? It's called research. Nothing is handed to you on a platter. And from where I sit, that's exactly how it looks, you expect people to tell you where to go and what to do and it will magically be done.

I get injured. I go to the doctor. Simple as that. I don't go to Wal-Mart and buy a brace to treat it myself. I go to the doctor.

You left the office of the orthopedist without talking to the office manager? Young lady, you need to grow up. You are a mother now. You are supposed to be the adult and you are acting like an (almost) petulant child. You didn't tell the office manager the problem of seeing the wrong doctor and demand that they get you set up TODAY with the right one? Or credit your account in order to come out for the right one? You just walked out of the office sulking?

All I can hear is whine in your posts. Maybe it's just me because as a man and a father; I can't fathom letting my daughter walk around with an injured wrist.

I can't fathom allowing my daughter to date a "man" over a decade older than her while she's still a teenager.

There are so many things I don't understand about your world or your priorities. It's like you expect people to do it for you. You expect people to fix it. You are now an adult. You are now your own advocate. If you don't stand up for you, no one will.

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answers from Portland on

I would be upset too. I'd consider, once you've calmed down, calling the office and asking to speak to the office manager. Tell her that you told the appointment clerk you wanted to see a doctor about your wrist and she made the appointment with a hip and leg specialist. Ask to see a wrist specialist at a reduced rate since the one you saw is not the one you should've seen. I'd be firm and tenacious about how this is their error and you want them to make it right.

I've found that it helps to give the appointment clerk lots of info. For example in your place I'd have told them I'd seen my own doctor and a specialist and that they've all referred me to an orthopedic surgeon. That way she'd know you needed the wrist specialist because you weren't just starting out looking for help.

Wait. Was this guy an orthopedic surgeon or are you still following your own plan?

I sympathize with you. This is the pits, for sure.

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answers from Minneapolis on

I am confused. In your last post you said you picked this orthopedic surgeon on your future MIL's recommendation. Now you are blaming the receptionist for the poor choice in doctors.

Either way, it sounds like you need to be more assertive in your care and do your own research so you can get some relief.

I'm sorry you are in pain... I hope you find someone who can help you.

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answers from Madison on

Ditto to Jo W response

Stop expecting everyone else to to the leg work for you! Grow up and own your own body. And hate to say it but this pain just might not ever go away.

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answers from Santa Barbara on

If he is an orthopedic surgeon he knows hips, knees, spines, feet, wrists and everything that diagnoses and treats bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves and skin....but HE specializes in HIPS & LEGS.

Your best bet is to go to a wrist specialist!! He did look at the films, to you it may have seemed too quick but you are not a doctor. They spend years being trained how to do this stuff but they are also not magicians nor do they have a crystal ball. It makes it much more difficult when you do not seek treatment for an injury and then it suddenly becomes important to you.

Wal-Mart has to protect themselves because you are a big time worker's compensation case waiting to happen. You simply can't do your job. If you injure your left wrist more or injure your right arm compensating for it for work, it will cost them money because a certain percentage of the disability is assigned to the "new" injury.

You need to take responsibility for your health. I don't think it's necessarily the runaround at all. You delayed medical treatment then hopped all over MN looking for a solution.

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answers from Jacksonville on

For the past 3 months (no that's not a typo) my husband has been battling chronic kidney stones. He is having his 3rd surgery on Monday. He is the main breadwinner for our family and just received a promotion at his job in which we will be moving 5 hours away in 6 weeks. So, put it in perspective. He doesn't let horrible pain stop him from accomplishing his goals.
You are your only advocate, you get what you demand from docs these days. Chalk this up to a learning lesson and really learn the lesson. Get back on the phone today and get yourself some help.

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answers from Dallas on

I did not read all your other posts but I would advise you to ask your doctor to recommend you for physical therapy for one. For two I would start taking alfalfa root tabs by the handful and glucosamine. Contact me if you would like a link to the supplements I use. For three I would start meditating....... see yourself well!

Hang in there. Keep pushing.

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answers from New York on

This all sounds horrible and I hope you can fix it. What I don't get though is how you type such long posts so neatly if one wrist is incapacitated and the other one hurts from overuse. Typing is h*** o* the wrists... Before you left, did you tell the nurse she gave you the wrong doctor? If not, try now. Hopefully they won't charge you for today if you come back and see their wrist specialist. I thought this dr was so highly recommended by a family member though.

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answers from Minneapolis on

I would call the office manager and let them know/out any question that due to the fact you told the receptionist that you needed a wrist DR.( and all you had to go through to get there - 2.5 hours driving, etc.) that you ARE NOT paying for that appointment.

I would be irate, and would NOT stop until I had in writing that the appointment will be at no charge.

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answers from Seattle on

Not having a bad day but have been in the same predicament. I've had many doctors for years, including even one I see now, state "I have no idea what is wrong with you." I am surprised the receptionist did not make certain to set you up with a wrist specialist. *shakes head* some people. I will say that once my wrist was "fixed" from an orthopedic wrist specialist it was better but has years after the fact still caused me many issues. I hope this is not your case. Definitely try to find a doc who knows what they're doing and will help you!

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answers from Hartford on

I'm sorry you're having a bad day and I'm sorry you're in pain. I know what continued, high levels of pain can do to someone's emotions and thought processes, not to mention decision-making skills. You get desperate and irritable.

Let's look at some basics here, okay? You (or your cow) injured this wrist twice in two separate incidents if I recall correctly. From the start you did not seek medical treatment and you've admitted that at no point (except for a very brief time) have you taken it easy on your wrist to allow it adequate time to heal. You've gone on with your days as if you weren't injured until there was a bump and pain you couldn't ignore.

But you're consistently upset, angry, and shocked at the doctors and the PERCEIVED level of care you're getting and blaming them for the state your injured wrist is in and the increasing problem of the over-use of your uninjured wrist.

Why are you no longer seeing the ONE doctor who actually was able to identify your problem AND gave you pain relief? Why aren't you communicating with your doctors and advocating for yourself? This isn't a situation that just happened to you, and other people are doing this to you. You've got to choose a course of action and stick to it. The problem isn't going to be fixed immediately. Pain issues are never fixed immediately. You want an immediate fix, but it's a gradual process. I understand the desire and need for wanting the pain gone NOW NOW NOW. I've had localized injuries that caused massive pain, and I also have Fibromyalgia. Fun times.

My best advice to you is patience. Please.

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answers from San Francisco on

ETA: Just thought of something. Sometimes it is so easy to forget everything you want to ask the doctor. Especially in this day in age where they only get so much per office visit and they are trying to rush rush rush. Write everything down so you don't forget and take your notes to the doctor with you!

I agree with Marda P. It's unfortunate because you are going to have to spell things out, interrogate the receptionists and medical professionals you talk to about this because many just don't care or are too stupid to use any common sense. The mindset today is, "It's not my job" so you have to think for them, point things out you may not think you should. Go into detail ad naseum what happened and expect to repeat it several times, even to the same people. Sucks that is the way it is, but there you have it. I'm so sorry you are having so much trouble. I've read your posts in the past and too lose sleep and mobility of your wrist just has to be wearing you out.

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answers from Dallas on

Yes, the receptionist should have been more on top of things. But in our healthcare system, unfortunately, you have to be your own advocate. You have to research. Google is your friend. You can find out a lot about a doctor before leaving your house. and helped us find a fantastic doctor after so many let downs. You have to be explicit when you make an appoint. Know what your needs are and clearly convey them. And you have to know when to speak up. You aren't going to stumble upon a great doctor, you have to find one and go in with guns blazing. It's unfortunate that that's the way things are and it is unfortunate you are not getting the help you need. Take it as a lesson learned. Next time, this won't happen. This stinks for sure. I hope you find a good doctor and find the help you need.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Just another example of a broken healthcare system.

How did you find this guy in the first place?

True, maybe you should have asked, but you did say WRIST when you made the appointment. Apparently the receptionist would have had to fire a brain cell. Ugh. Stinks for sure.

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answers from New York on

aw man that just sucks. Ive had the runaround with doctors before. When I was younger, I had constant stomach pains and it seemed as if no doctors could figure out what was causing the pain. It was frustrating and stressful. I can really relate. Hang in there and keep making those appts. Some ones gonna find out how to fix it.

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answers from New York on

What? There wasn't an OB/GYN on staff they could set you up with? If I didn't mention it in your other posts, I was thinking you needed to see an Orthopedic doctor - specifically a wrist specialist. So I guess that's who you were TRYING to see. Are people just stupid, or what?

If it makes you feel any better (I'm sure it won't) - I've been battling a terrible cough since last Saturday. Hacking, deep, rattle your chest kind of cough. (I really can't cough because I had back surgery and my muscles have just never been the same). So I finally go to the doctor yesterday and get loaded up on meds - antibiotics, nasal spray, cough suppresent, the works. I've been running a fever on and off. I've been going about my usual duties and probably making myself worse. Today I slept until 11 and was feeling a little better. It was cold and rainy out today so I decided to stay in and do some cooking (yes, I should have been resting). I had been at it for about 2 1/2 hours when I started to realize I had over done it. I was just about to veg out on the couch when the school nurse called and said I had to pick up my daughter who was having some problems from her asthma. So I run out in the cold/rain and pick her up - she was just 15 minutes from the end of the school day and taking the bus home. by the time I got home, I was feverish, cold and back to square one. Ugghhhhh!

Feel better.

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answers from Houston on

I went to a Med-Care place and asked the receptionist if they gave cortizone shots because I had so much pain from sicatica. She said they did. When the doctor came in...he said they only give the shots in the knee area..that a specialist had to give the one in the back area. I was so upset because I had built up in my mind that I was going to get some pain relief. He waved the $130 fee for the office visit and gave me some pain killers.

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answers from Miami on

That sucks. Maybe tentinitus?(sp) Did you get bit by anything it tends to hang around the wrist. Or just plain arthritus? There are a few things that could be the problem. Do some research online and find a wrist specialist. Good Luck



answers from Cumberland on

When I was younger and played tennis all summer and snow skied all winter-I would get ganglions (??) in my wrist(s). Do you have a bump on your wrist? If so-get it drained-this can help a bit-and it can come back every time it is injured. If it simply hurts, rub castor oil on your hands and wrists and wear gloves/socks overtop to sleep-this will stop the pain.



answers from San Francisco on

I am sorry you are in pain. You need to come up with a plan to advocate for your own health and stop relying on others to do it for you. Please contact the doctors office manager and insist they get you in to see the wrist specialist and tell them what happened the last time. Nothing will be resolved by venting about it. Be proactive and write down a plan and stick with it. That is the only way you are going to get better. GL

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