Anyone Get Prego While Nursing a Newborn?

Updated on April 13, 2010
J.B. asks from Marrero, LA
14 answers

Hey mamas:)
Well I am trying really hard to stay really calm and cool but I am thinking I may be prego with baby number three. I have a 10week old and I am nursing him exclusively. I didn't get on the pill after he was born bc I don't tolerate it well. My hubby and I have been trying to do the old condom drill, but we don't like it much so we had a little incident where we just went al la natural and we tried to be "careful". The day after this went down I had some ovulation symptoms, that egg white discharge associated with ovulation. Now about six days later I had very light spotting which I am thinking could be implantation bleeding, which I had with my other two. The main reason I am concerned is because I can only fit in about six feedings a day with my newborn. He loves to sleep through the night, is super content, and his weight is just awesome. So I don't get in the eight to twelve feedings they recommend to use nursing as bc. I know none of you can tell me if I am pregs but I was wondering, has anyone had anything similar and they did end up pregnant? If so, were you able to continue to nurse your baby and for how long? How did you tell your hubby? If I am pregnant, I will just embrace my child but it is a little overwhelming to think about!! Any positive stories would be so welcomed!

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answers from San Antonio on

I am the result of just such a situation (bless my mom!) My brother was just 2 months old when I was conceived. He now has children who are less than a year apart because they were not very careful while his wife was BFing.

You'll make it. My mom said that while she was terrified at first, she actually liked having "Irish twins" because we were both at the same stage in life and could do a lot of things together.

All the best!

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answers from Phoenix on

I nursed my second exclusively and got pregnant around 4 months (hadn't had a period). Once I found out I was pregnant, I realized that's why my baby wasn't wanting to nurse as much. It does change the flavor of your milk which bothers some babies, and some it doesn't. I had to start supplementing formula because he just didn't want to nurse. I kept nursing as long as I could and eventually it was only during nighttimes (he didn't care to reject it because he was so sleepy). At 8 months he started sleeping through the night and that was the end of breastfeeding. I gave birth to a healthy little boy 5 months later. (My oldest was 2 when the 3rd was born. So I had 2, 1, newborn - all boys. Let me tell you - that was hard! But 2 years later, I can honestly say I would do it again. My boys play so well together and just love each other. With 2, 3, 5 years old, I love having them so close.

Yes, it was overwhelming to think about, but just like all babies, the days go slow and the years go fast. Enjoy your time with your babies! (Best you can on 0 sleep :)

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answers from Albany on

i like how tara p says the days go slow and the years go fast, my boys are 21 months apart i got pregnant with the second while nursing the first without having had a period, first baby nursed through much of second babies pregnancy, go figure! you're already in the baby mode so what's one more!! jeesh, and how cool is it that you and your husband are uh intimate so soon after the first one, sounds like life is fine! good for you!

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answers from Seattle on

I haven't but that's what is called Irish Twins... two children born to the same mother in the same calendar year or within twelve months of each other. You will have no problems whatsoever nursing for how ever long you want if you are prego. When you take a test, have your husband read it. I know someone who went through this and she said her husband reading it turned out better than she expected... he smiled and gave her a hug and then kissed their little girl. He did have the normal freak outs though like we all go through, so you can expect that.

Let us know what happens... Hope everything turns out great for you!

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answers from Panama City on

My children are 16 months apart. I breastfeed my son until he was 11 months old, and we had no problems with him, however, I could not produce enough milk with my second one, my little girl. My children are best friends. I wish you the best of luck and try not to worry to much, everything is meant to be:-)



answers from Washington DC on

sorry nothing like that. i am ttc while nursing a 9 month old now.



answers from Cleveland on

Not sure why now a days people still think it's unlikely to get pregnant while breastfeeding. Even early on. My friends mom nursed consisitently and when she went to her 6 week checkup, she was pregnant! And not to sound goofy, but that show 19 kids and counting, well that mom nursed all of her kids and got pregnant while doing so most of the time. And she has kids VERY close in age. So its very possible you are pregnant. Everyone's body is different and while most people may not get pregnant while nursing, for others it doesnt seem to matter! So I'd go ahead and take a test or see your doctor. And realize if you arent going to use protection, you very likely could end up pregnant again. Good luck :)



answers from Houston on

It's unlikely, but definitely possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding exclusively! And although it can be exhausting in the beginning to have two so close together, it also has its benefits, as others have pointed out. I have many friends who have tandem nursed (nursed two non-twin siblings) for a long time; I did it myself until I got pregnant with my third! Best wishes!



answers from Raleigh on

I know many women who's kids are inder a year apart. Some actually told me that it was easier than having kids 2 years + apart. You will make it. You are already in baby stage, so what's one more:)



answers from San Antonio on

No, but my mom did. My brother and I are 13 months apart.



answers from Austin on

My niece was breast feeding her baby girl (~10 - 11 weeks old) when she got pregnant again. The kids will be a little less than one year apart. So Yes, it can happen.

Good Luck



answers from San Francisco on

Yes, I got preg. when my middle child was 6 months. Older than yours is, for sure. Since she was 6 months, I stopped nursing, because I didn't think my body could take it. But having kids close together was great! They were really emotionally close -- it's only now that they're teens that they fight all the time. :)



answers from El Paso on

yes, I did. don't believe the myth, that you cannot get pregnant while still breast feeding that is such a lie. I began to dry up and couldn't breast feed anymore 2 weeks after becoming pregnant again. also once you start having babies you must take alot of precautions if you are having sex, use protection unless you want to have children every year. i was pregnant just about all of the eightys, gave birth in 1980,1982,1984,1986. take it from me if you are not wanting to have them one after another, take precautions and don't believe the myths, because that is all they are is myths.


answers from Barnstable on

Not to panic you, but a good friend of mine is 7.5 months younger than her sister (yup - mom got pg instantly and she was born early)!!!!!!!!!!!

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