Am I Too Old to Have Another Baby?

Updated on January 28, 2014
R.U. asks from South Weymouth, MA
43 answers

I am 37 and trying to get pregnant. I keep seeing all these articles on how 35 is the cut off. My daughter 10 and she really wants a baby sister or brother. My husband and I have always wanted another and the years just flew by. Now I am scared we waited too long. Any mamas having babies in their late 30s?

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answers from New London on

There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a baby past the age of 35. Those articles are complete BS. And while there may be SOME truth for SOME women out there within the articles majortiy of women can handle it.

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answers from Baton Rouge on

I would not even have considered it at that age, but I hated being pregnant and almost died giving birth to my daughter, so I decided then that she would be an only child. How old is too old for YOU depends entirely on YOU.

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answers from Los Angeles on

I had my youngest when I was 38. You already have a healthy daughter, so you know you are capable of bearing children.

I had my first child at 33. My second pregnancy at 36 was much harder. But then my third pregnancy at 38 was only about as difficult as my second pregnancy. I am now 41 and have more energy than I did in my mid to late thirties. Good luck to you!

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answers from Dallas on

You are not too old but please.... Don't get pregnant and have a baby for your 10 yr old daughter.

If you have a child, that decision should be between you and your hubby because there are many factors involved with raising a child, providing a stable home, educating that child.

Your 10 yet kid won't be around to mother this child. You are the mother! Think long and hard about why YOU want another child. Don't have a child to appease a 10 yr old who will soon be in the midst of hormonal he$$.

Your 10 the old needs you more than ever right now. Just consider your personal reasons for having another child and don't base it on what a 10 yr old wants today.

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answers from Washington DC on

not to be mean, hon, but if you're seriously thinking about having another baby because your daughter wants you to, maybe you're not yet grown up enough to have another one.
you have to be aware that women are successfully becoming pregnant and mothers well into their 40s now, right? i mean, it's just not that rare any more.
if you want a baby and can afford one, by all means have one.
if your 10 year old wants someone to play with, buy her a doll and join a playgroup.

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answers from San Diego on

My third was born when I was 38, almost 39.
When I went to see the midwife for my first appointment I was asked the usual list of questions. After answering everything her comment about my age was that it wasn't a problem. I was healthy, active and had 2 prior children (born when I was 30 and 33, so I didn't start early).
I went on to have a non-eventful pregnancy with no complications and went on to have a completely un-medicated birth at a free standing birth center. My daughter is completely healthy, born full term, spontaneous onset of labor.
Had the midwife felt that that I was high risk I would not have been allowed to get my care and deliver there. They can not take patients that are considered "high risk". My age of 38 was not considered a reason to turn me away and label me as high risk. I didn't have to do all the extra testing a lot of OBs will require simply because of your age either.
If you and your husband want another child, your age is not a reason not to.

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answers from Washington DC on

No, you absolutely are not too old. I was 44 when I got pregnant by surprise and I now have a 10 year old. It has motivated me to stay healthy and in shape so I don't have any health problems before she is grown up (and after hopefully).

I'm probably a better mom now than I would have been at any other age. I know MANY other women who had natural pregnancies in their 40's. Don't let the media influence you. Before birth control was invented, women routinely had kids in their 40's and some even in their early 50's. Check with your grandparents on happened a lot...both my grandmothers had babies at 43.

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answers from Dallas on

Yes BUT are you really sure you want to do this? being an older mom...and talking to friends who had kids in late 20's and mid 30's even a 5 -6 year gap have said they are way more exhausted. This will be completely different then when you had your DD 10 years ago. I was the older only child and trust me it's like having two different families. She might really enjoy the baby for a few years then she'll have her own life.

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answers from Los Angeles on

I delivered my son at 39.
Easy peasy. :)

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answers from Norfolk on

37 is too old for some women and not too old for other women.
There's no way we can tell which it is for you.
Have there been any other women in your family who've got pregnant over 35?
A reason to have another child is because you and your husband want one.
Your daughter's wishes don't enter into it.
All you can do is try and see what happens.
If nothing happens after 6 months of trying then go see a fertility specialist.

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answers from Abilene on

I was 36 with my oldest and 40 with my second. I had 5 previous miscarriages. I was high risk with both pregnancies due to a blood clotting disorder. I was called advanced maternal age. I called my mom and joked I waited my whole life to be advanced at something! Lol!

I have enjoyed my kids and glad God blessed me with them when He did. I will tell you pregnant at 40 required naps for me the first and last trimester. Also I've been asked a few times if I was my daughter's grandmother when she started kindergarten. A lot of moms are in their 20's when their kids start school. That was a little tough but you just have to roll with it. ;)


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answers from New York on

What articles are you looking at? There is no cut off. In today's world, many women are in their mid 30's before they have a baby. At 35, your risk for certain things such as having a Down Syndrome baby, having gestational diabetes, etc. do go up, but it doesn't mean that these things happen to everyone, that you can't choose to have a baby or that the medical community does not recommend pregnancy after 35. It simply means increased risk of certain disorders or complications.
If you want to have a baby and start over, then no reason that you shouldn't. Discuss any risks and concerns with your doctor or midwife, and you might want to see a genetic counselor. Don't have a baby because your daughter says she wants one. Babies aren't babies forever, and when she's 14 and has a preschooler getting into her makeup and nail polish, she wont' be thrilled. They will not be playmates, and the "baby" will be 7 years old when your daughter leaves for college.
Good luck

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answers from Santa Barbara on

Some women can have babies in their late 40's and other can not get pregnant in their early 20's. Some women have very healthy babies when they are in their late 40's and some women deliver babies with birth defects when they are teens.

Age 35 is just a number so more testing can be done (they could have picked 30 or 40). I have not heard that is the cut off (but i would be a little nervous if i was 35 and no mate to plan a family with was around). Yes, women need to realize there is a window of time when the odds are in our favor. For college educated women that age is 25-35. Of course some women are in a good place to have a baby at age 20 and others at age 45.

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answers from Colorado Springs on

Lots, I think. And there have always been older women giving birth. I was 28 when my eldest was born and 33 when my youngest was born. My mother was just short of 40 when I was born (I won't say how long ago that was, but it was quite a while). Her mother (my grandmother) was 44 when my mother was born! Get a checkup and talk to your doctor about it.

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answers from Reading on

35 isn't a cut off. It's just the point at which you join the "old ladies" club (I was a member) - because you are at higher risk for some problems after age 35, you are given more tests. But, my pregnancy was on par with that of a 22 year old on all tests and other than the cord being around his neck at birth, it was completely without complications. Your doctor needs to determine your individual risks, but the added benefit is more ultrasounds and more careful monitoring.

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answers from Orlando on

Nope. I had my first at 35 and my second at 43. The doctor will give you the label "advanced maternal age"(which I hated) because you are past 35. I had to go see a specialist to keep an eye on things for my second. I had gestational diabetes which I managed with diet, and they did 4D ultrasounds once a month.
I may not have as much energy, and I feel like the oldest parent on the planet of a toddler at the playground, but he keeps me young too, have to take care of myself so I can take care of him. I am also really enjoying the time I have with him. He just turned 3 and is so fun most days!

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answers from Pittsburgh on

My son was born when I was 40. It has been great for us. We are both well established in our careers, own our home and have retirement savings well established. I would never have wanted to have a child any earlier than I did. Statistically it is more difficult to become (and stay) pregnant, the older you are. It took me approximately 2 weeks to get pregnant. The chance of Down Syndrome and a number of other genetic anomalies also increases with maternal age (the incidence of autism may increase with increasing paternal age). I had an amnio and planned to abort if there were any issues - happily there were none. Pregnancy and delivery were completely uneventful.

I find DH and I are way more relaxed about a lot of parenting challenges than younger parents we know. Certainly way more relaxed than we would have been when we were younger.

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answers from Washington DC on

If you are healthy and in a good situation to have a child, go for it. 35 is "advanced maternal age" but by no means "the end". I'm almost your age and I'd try for another child in a heartbeat if DH was on board. Friends have had children into their early 40s. If you aren't pregnant in 6 months, talk to your doctor.

(by the way, she says, "my husband and I have always wanted another..." so this isn't just about the 10 yr old)

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answers from Minneapolis on

I had my only daughter at 41. It all depends on your physical and reproductive health. Some things we have influence over and some we don't.

I ran up to 5 miles until month 7. I saw only midwives, not a doctor, had an unmedicated birth with no issues.

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answers from Philadelphia on

I was 35 when I had my 2nd child. I was 37 when I had my last child.. If you feel like you can handle it go for it. I think eating right and exercising is important for me staying active.



answers from Boston on

Go for it! Use ovulation strips.



answers from Beaumont on

I had my first at 40! Go for it! :)



answers from Washington DC on

Your risks for chromosomal abnormalities rise as your eggs get older. You may also find that your body is less adjustable to the demands of pregnancy. If these are considerable worries for you, adoption may be the answer as well as providing a forever home for a baby whose parents can not provide that.

However, women have been having babies in their late 30s and early 40s for a long time. My aunt had a healthy baby when she was 45. A good friend's mother, now 89, was a menopause baby born when HER mother was in her very late 40s.


answers from Washington DC on

Yes, women are having children in their 30's. If you are wanting and prepared to take on another child, go for it!



answers from Boston on

I had my first child, a girl, at 31. Then I had a boy at 37, another boy at 39 and my second daughter at 41. I was very fortunate with no fertility issues and easy pregnancies. I say go for it!!!

T. Y



answers from New York on

In my world, under 40 doesn't even raise an eyebrow. 40 gets a slight raise but no big deal. 44 and 45 is when people start saying "hmmm" and even then it can work out. So I think you are easily in the clear. Of course there can be difficulties but there can be for some women in their 20's. I was over 35 for both my kids and got pregnant easily and had easy pregnancies. Good luck!


answers from Chicago on

A generation ago, 37 would be considered old to have a baby, but not these days. Now, tons of moms are having babies at your age. Yes, the risk factors for things like Down Syndrome increase with age, but that doesn't stop people anymore. I'm 38, and if I could, I'd have another.



answers from New York on

I had my daughter at 38 and my son at 43... both are healthy. And by the way, I was healthier during my 2nd pregnancy than I was with my first.

Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

Pregnant at 38, gave birth at 39.



answers from Albany on

I had my D when I just turned 36. I was considered an 'older pregnancy' by my OBGYN and got all the appropriate care. And my D was perfectly fine. If you want a child, I wouldn't wait. Go talk to your Dr. Take your Pre-Natal vitamins and get trying ;) Good luck!



answers from Las Vegas on

I was pregnant at 41 and gave birth at 42. Had no problems during pregnancy but did have a C-section. Happy, healthy baby is now a happy, healthy 3rd grader!

Good luck, whatever you decide!



answers from Chicago on

One of my best friends had her 3rd when she was 45. He is a healthy soon to be 5 yr old.


answers from Los Angeles on

women are trending towards having kids later. I wouldn't think twice about getting one more kid in. Do it sooner than later. Of course you will be categorized as an "elderly" mother on your charts (wish I was joking). I had my third a few days before turning 38.
In any case, I think this trend is due in large part to the fact that people screen for downs and 90% of downs babies are aborted. If aborting a downs baby is not an option for you (and it was not for me), then you need to analyze what level of risk you want to take. You've seen the charts, you know what the odds are. Only you know if your up for those risks. I felt at peace and opted out of screening for downs. I figured, by the grace of God, I'd deal with any curve balls that got sent my way. If you are going to be a wreck and a downs baby seems like the worst thing that could ever happen, then play it safe.



answers from New York on

My DIL just had a baby Thursday at 40. You are not too old.



answers from Detroit on

yup had 1 at 39 and another at 41.. are your cycles regular.. ?? buy an ovulation predictor.. and use that... if it doesn't work in a few months go to the dr..



answers from Las Vegas on

I had my daughter when I was 37. I didn't have any complications.


answers from Williamsport on

I had my babies at 35, 37 and 39. My best friend had her second child at 42. My dad's mom was 42. Most of my upwardly mobile city friends had their first babies at around 40.



answers from Los Angeles on

I'm 45 and I wish I was 37 to have a 3rd baby! I won't have one now (unless God decides otherwise) because now I feel it's too late.



answers from Boston on

I had my kids at 39 and 42 with no issues and I have many friends in the same age bracket.



answers from Philadelphia on

Absolutely not! I am 44 and 36 weeks pregnant with my 3rd child (and I will turn 45 three weeks after new baby is born). I had my son two weeks before I turned 39 and the second baby, my daughter, almost 3 years after the first. Never had any problems with any of my pregnancies. I figure that I probably didn't have any problems this time around since I have been pregnant about every 2 years so my body is used to the changes. Everyone is different. You may just feel that you are because you had your daughter in your late 20's (or what I consider, in my case, to be young). If you want it, stop trying to prevent it and see what happens.



answers from Detroit on

You are not "too old". Yes your body starts to slow down biologically after 35, but as my ob/gyn told me: It's not like you hit 35 and "BOOM" everything goes kaput!

I was 36 for my 2nd. I had no issues. Just be aware that it can take a bit longer and you do have a higher risk for miscarriage. I say this not to scare or discourage you, but to encourage you to not give up. I did have an early miscarriage 3 months before i got pregnant with my daughter. Not saying it was easy, a miscarriage never is, but I have no more difficulties that when I was younger, when I also had 2 miscarriages.

My son was 7 1/2, so I also had that larger age gap. My son was really able to be a helper. He was SO excited to have a sibling!!!

I also feel I was much calmer the second time around. When my DD was an infant and was BAWLING during checkout at the pediatrician's and I just took care of my bill without blinking an eye the receptionist commented "You are the calmest first time mom I have ever seen!" I smiled and said I also had a 7 year old so it was not my first rodeo :)



answers from Colorado Springs on

You are not too old. I had my last baby at 39, and it was a fantastic pregnancy. I can't imagine our home without her.



answers from Oklahoma City on

My husbands grandmother had a child in her 50's and they turned out just fine. My friend that has MS had 2 kids in her late 30's and her early 40's. They are fine too.

In actuality I have't really heard anything about being too old in the last 20 years or so. Medical advancements make it safer and safer for women to conceive and bear that child.

I also see that TV show "I didn't know I was pregnant" where older women have kids and didn't even have any medical care, just lived like a normal person, which is what people did for how ever many years women have been having babies.

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