Activities for 15 Month Old?

Updated on July 29, 2011
L.H. asks from Oklahoma City, OK
6 answers

My daughter is 15 months old and she stays at home with me all day. She loves playing with blocks, dancing, and her favorite thing is reading (well, really she loves to look at books and have me name the things in them... she has to be sleepy to let me have the book for long enough to read it!). Lately she seems to be getting kind of bored of the toys she has been playing with, and I'm wondering about new activities for her. She's not walking without support yet, but she will stand on her own if she is into something enough. We live in an apartment in a not great part of town so I am a little reluctant to let her play outside beyond a nature walk in the stroller. Ideas? I don't have a car during the day for going to the park, so I guess I'm looking for indoor activities.

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answers from Des Moines on

I have a 15 month old also and I have just recently begun to stay at home with him. So, I have recently been seeking out fun, at-home activities as well! Here are some ideas that are working out well for us....

1. "Paint" the deck or driveway/parking lot corner with paintbrush and a bucket of water. Could also do chalk if you have an outdoor area of concrete.
2. I bought my son a cheap recorder ($2 at a dollar store, have also seen at Target for cheap) and he loves blowing in this. We also did a make shift drum and guitar (out of a square container with rubber bands.) He loves making music!
3. He LOVES playing with little pom pom things - not cheerleading type (although that sounds fun as well!) but the ones in craft stores/aisles - various colors and sizes and he likes to stuff them in and out of different containers of different sizes. This doesn't cost much and you can get different jars and tupperwares around the house!
4. Playing with colorful pipecleaners and I even cut small holes in an old container of baby puffs and he likes to try to stick them in there and then open the lid and pull them out. I got this idea watching him be super focused on sticking a straw in and out of a juice box!
5. spraying a squirt bottle and stuff around the house
6. "finger paint" with chocolate pudding in the high chair or in the bathtub - love to get messy!
7. build "houses" or tunnels out of cardboard boxes.
8. give ice cubes and let her "color" on construction paper in her high chair.
9. my son likes doing anything with ice cubes and a couple containers of water out on the deck!

All of these obviously require close supervision but are fun things to do together. Most cost very little to nothing! You sound like a GOOD MAMMA trying to find good activities for your little one, good for you. I don't know where youre located, but consider trying to find another stay at home mom or a moms group. Maybe its close enough for walking distance or maybe you can get brave and even try a bus (not that I would!) However, such interactions are great for you and your daughter.

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answers from Honolulu on

At this age, they get over-stimulated and over-tired too, after about 2 hours of constant, activity.
Sometimes, what you think is 'boredom' is actually them being tired... and over-stimulated.
They will tune-out... when over-tired or over-stimulated.
So watch... her cues.

Kids this age do not get "bored."

She should also be napping.
Get activities in, while she is awake, before getting tired.

Even just playing in the tub, is fun. It does not only have to be at 'bath time."

ALSO, a baby/child... needs to... also just have the ability to free-play. Let HER just play and hang-out. Playing does NOT have to be orchestrated or structured. Babies, NEED to self-explore. That is how, they learn too. About their world.

Me and my kids that age, used to love just laying on a blanket in the yard, and looking up at the sky. Collecting and touching leaves and the grass. Soothing relaxing things. Not all active activities....
You can do that in your living room. Just lay down on a blanket, and look up and around, and "listen" for sounds... and then tell her what it is etc.
OR, play peek-a-boo.
And yes, just put her in a stroller and walk around.
Let her clank on pots and pans.
Let her fill a box up with toys, then dump it out. Again and again. They learn this way too... through repetition.
Get musical toys... or make your own 'drums' with an empty plastic container... let her bang on it.

Anything at this age, is a 'toy.'
My kids as babies, LOVED to just take the Kleenex out of the box. I'd stuff it back in the box, and they'd pull it all out again. It is fun. They learn that way too.
Again, just use things around the house.... it does not have to be a store bought toy.

Also, just let her... simply hang out on the living room floor and let her just hang out. Babies/kids need to learn that too.. and they learn self-reliance about it and exploring, which is important. Without the parent, hovering.

You don't always have to be, actually 'doing' something with her, directly.
Let her, explore.
Some kids/babies don't even know how to do that, because they were not left... to their own imaginations or allowed to explore.

Do you have a car?
If so, then just drive somewhere. To a park. Or etc.

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answers from Kansas City on

You could start doing some play doh stuff with her, just make sure she doesn't eat it! You could always make your own so that if she does eat it at least it isn't too bad! You can roll it out, use cookie cutters, smash it, ball it, whatever!

My kids both loved balls at that age. You can get a beach ball or a big balloon and that way if they whack into stuff it usually won't get hurt. Target has beach balls for only a dollar!

She also might like some Little People toys, do you have any of those? You can usually find a lot at thrift stores and Craig's list if money is an issue. The farm is one our favorites b/c even at 15 months it's fun to put the animals in and take them out, open and close the silo and move the chicken around.

Do you have a library within walking distance? If she likes books then maybe a trip there during story hour would be nice. What about a school? Since it's still summer (at leat for a few more weeks) you could use their playground, I'm sure she'd love that!

Also, do you have a walker for her, like one of those push ones? My daughter had a stroller one that is honestly what got her walking. It's made by Fisher Price and is super awesome! We used it indoors most of the time, but even a quick up and down the sidewalk wouldn't be too bad in the middle of the day would it?

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answers from Beaumont on about playing with her while you're doing housework. I used to wrap my boys in the sheets while I was changing them, lots of giggles. They also helped me "sort" laundry. Colors, whites and jeans, pretty easy and kept them VERY busy. Pots and pans in the kitchen with a spatula, wooden spoon, loud but VERY fun. How about a funnel and showing her how liquids go through it??? Just do little things around the house, great educational value actually. Have fun, it's such a cute age!!

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answers from Phoenix on

I have as 15 month old too. He's the youngest of 5 so he has lots of entertainment. But I found that he's bored with all his toys too. He's rather play with the remote and get into cupboards. I give him cups that fit into each other and he plays awhile with those. He also likes playing with my comb...LOL He likes having a tubberware bowl or toy bucket and putting things in it and dumping it out again. He loves the bathtub and will play for awhile in just an inch of water (with me supervising, of course.) He also likes watching cartoons on the computer. We only do that once a week for about 45 minutes while I'm cleaning at hubby's work... hope that helps some. Good luck!!



answers from New York on

She might need some new toys. The next stage. My grandson is 13 months and I just said the other day that he is so happy just exploring.
Everything is so new and he gets so excited. It does not take much. He has
his own cabinet with some pots, pans etc that he can play with. I give him
my old magazines. He thumbs thru them like an adult. Really funny.
He loves cars and trucks and makes all the noises that go with them. He
is just very easy to please and every item for him is a learning experience.
They should all be like him. Easygoing.

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