My daughter did that at nine mos. too, only she was done nursing for good & wanted to wean herself. I'd offer her the breast & she'd crack up laughing at me. She would however, take a bottle between feedings, so I pumped until the one year mark. To this day, if she sees my breast, she laughs and everytime I've offered it, she pokes me, giggles & turns away. Maybe she's just decided to wean? I was very sad at the time that she didn't want to go longer, but these little people really know what they want & need sometimes. Balance her diet out with pumped milk, you can put it in cereal, etc., until you transition to other milk sources after one year. In your case, maybe it's just a nursing strike & she'll start back up? Keep offering for a few weeks, but if she wants to wean, take your cues from her & supplement if you have to in other ways. Good luck!