8 Month Old Not Babbling - Sterling,VA

Updated on April 02, 2015
M.K. asks from Sterling, VA
8 answers

Hi, my son is 8 months 1 week born @ 37 weeks. He is a very smart little guy, he rolls both ways, currently doing the army crawl for the most part but has started to crawl on knees over the past couple days and today he decided he wants to get up on his hands and feet. He loves to pull himself into the sitting and standing positions. So he is reached all his milestones as far as his physical milestones. But he does not babble. He is a pretty quiet little guy. I may be overly concerned, I have read that allot of babies are not babbling at this age. He went through the squealing stage for about a month then got quiet right before he started to crawl. Now he says "ahhhhh" "hi" and I have heard "mommom" a couple times, na and da. And I think he has even said "no" once or twice. He also loves to make the clicking noise with his younger. He has never really blown raspberries- just spit bubbles. My concern is that I see him moving his mouth trying to say "dadadada" but no sound comes out. I am not sure if this is progress or cause for concern. I don't know if anyone else's little on mouthed words with no sound before. His 9 month appointment is in 3 weeks and I plan to speak to my pediatrician at that time. I was just wondering if any other mothers have experienced this. He is a very loving, affectionate boy and communicates in every other way besides babbling. Loves eye contact and playing games. Knows when I say "daddy's home" and "do you cant up" or "its bath time". So I know he understands me. It's just the "mouthing" of the words have me concerned..

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answers from New York on

He sounds find to me. He is making some sounds. My granddaughter is quiet laid back. Walked at 18 months but talked very early. Her sister on the other hand, walked early and climbs on everything and is I to everything. Babbled but not one word. I think she will be a later talker. I believe very active babies, talk later. Laid back, sedate talk early. My daughter had several words at 10 months. Once she learned to walk, she stopped the words. Talked at 2 1/2 and when she spoke it was like an adult talking lol. Try to relax.

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answers from Tucson on

I think that some children work on physical milestones first and others are more focused on talking etc. sounds like your son has really focused on his gross motor and i would think he would go on to talk normally especially since you said you have heard him say some constanants like you said some babies are just more quiet that being said I am a huge believer in it's better to be safe than sorry bring it up to your pediatrician and if time goes by and you still feel something isnt quite right make an appointment with a specialist.

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answers from Boston on

There's no timetable for development - they are all working on something, but not always the same thing. The early walkers aren't always talking, the early talkers aren't always walking. My son made sounds, but not one single word until 16 months. But he was on his feet at 8 months, and full out running at 9 months.

Sounds like your little guy is trying to make new sounds, maneuvering his mouth and tongue into different positions, and hitting all his benchmarks. There's no cause for alarm. He's just doing things in his own way and his own order.

One thing you can try - down the road - is talking less. Sounds counter-intuitive, but if we do all the talking for our kids and anticipate their needs perfectly, they don't have to talk. Meantime, keep doing anything silly you can think of - blowing bubbles, blowing out candles, making "razz berry" sounds, doing those clicking sounds, and so on. Anything to work the jaw and the tongue. Get some CDs (library or purchased) and sing songs. Do finger plays (good for motor skills and auditory/speaking skills). Just mix it up all the time. Do books, tapes, TV, nature walks/stroller time, and on and on. He'll get it all - just not in the same order as the kid next door.

DO NOT take any criticism from "friends" who are shocked that your kid doesn't do X or Y! This will come up again with potty training, reading, learning math, teething and everything else - I promise you that none of them go to kindergarten in diapers, and none of them finish high school without their teeth. Try to focus on all he does that is terrific, and see those as accomplishments, rather than focusing on what's an "emerging" skill and not there yet!



answers from Miami on

Your baby needs a hearing test. You need to get that scheduled. I would not wait for the 9 month appointment. I'd call your ped's nurse TODAY, tell her your concern and ask for a ped ENT and referral. That way you can get on the schedule without losing more time.

A nine month old doesn't really understand the things you are saying to him, mom. You just think that he does. Your body language tells him everything.

Once you have ruled out a hearing loss, you can watch him for speech related issues. The hearing comes first.



answers from Chicago on

My 3 yr old was not much of a babbler. At 2 he was not talking much , not even approaching 2 1/2. We were going to have him evaluated to see if there were any issues. One day he just started talking. Boy, the words that came out of his mouth. I figured once he decided what he wanted to say, he let loose.

Also, he was a pretty quiet baby. Cried but not very loudly. When he was born I thought somehting was wrong becasue we did not hear him cry. Now, he is a screamer and yeller. Hoping one day soon he figures out what "inside voice" is.



answers from Kansas City on

He sounds like he's right on track to me. I have found that when they are working on one developmental area others kind of fall to the wayside for a while (kind of like they only have enough energy to develop in one area at a time). He will probably surprise you and suddenly start "talking" and babbling like crazy.



answers from Norfolk on

Our son's talking didn't really take off till after his 2nd birthday.
Then it was non stop talking every waking minute!



answers from Beaumont on

He does say some things! I'd wait and see where he is in a month. I think he's fine.

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