7 Month Old Wigging Out

Updated on July 07, 2008
M.T. asks from San Ramon, CA
7 answers

My son recently turned 7 months. He used to play happily in his playpen or mat or activity center for 20 minutes at a time. Now it seems like he is fussy all of the time. Throwing little tantrums - crying until he's red in the face and choking. The only thing that calms him is if we pick him up. I have no problem giving him all the affection he wants and needs, however I don't want to create a situation where he's only happy when he's held and doesn't know how to entertain himself. I fear that's what's happening because he'll fuss and cry and then as soon as we come and rescue him he stops - sometimes even smiling like he's saying "gotcha". Should I just be letting him cry it out? Is this a phase he's going through? Should I be discipling him instead of rescuing him every time he gets frustrated or bored?

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answers from Sacramento on

It's part of a stage. Object permanence. He's realized there is only one of you.
If he can't see you or be near you, he gets panicky. It's form of separation anxiety!

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answers from San Francisco on

A great way to get things done around the house while entertaining baby is by wearing baby in a carrier.

I constantly tote my six month old around in an Ergo carrier. The changing scenery combined with being close to me keeps him entertained while I get dinner prepped, plants watered and all of the other little chores done.

His smile isn't a "gotcha" smile, it's a smile of relief that you're back and happiness that you're there.

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answers from San Francisco on

It sounds like separation anxiety to me. My daughter is FINALLY getting over this. Once he starts crawling, you will have no worries...he will want to get away…or chase you. Just enjoy the cuddle time before he's on the move. If you really need to get stuff done, talk to him when you're in another room and tell him what you're doing. I have read playing peek-a-boo helps too, shows him that just because he can't see you, you are still there.
Best of luck!!

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answers from Sacramento on

Hi M., Too young to discipline. Don't let him cry-it-out because he is developing social skills. He's now learning that he's part of a group. He wants to be right with you. When you use cry-it-out you're teaching him that he doesn't matter to you. When he cries in his crib or playmat, its because he doesn't want to be left behind. If I left you crying in a room by yourself, it would make you feel bad, right? Neither one of my boys has ever been left in a crib/play structure if they were crying. Their crib was always a sanctuary where the liked to be when tired (because they never feared being deserted...)
He's not saying 'gotcha' he's saying 'thank you'. Yes, you should pick him up when he gets frustrated or bored because he is a little baby who needs you to entertain him right now.

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answers from Sacramento on

If your son was 2 years old then I would say your are right on the money. But, he's only 7 months. He's not capable of manipulating you. He cries because he needs you, not because he's "throwing a little fit".
Pick him up, every time he cries. Hold him, love him, comfort him. Most babies go through this phase, he's realizing that he's not a part of you and that you could leave him. If you give him lots of extra holding and affection he'll start feeling secure again and be able to play by himself before you know it.
Try a baby carrier, so you can still do what you need to and hold him at the same time.
God bless.



answers from San Francisco on

I think he is starting to get seperation anxiety. what ever you do don't disipline him. He is too young well just think that you are abandoning him. He is smiling at you because he is really happy you came and got him. he is to young to have that knid of thoughts. I know it sucks but it well pass. when my son started this i would finsih what i was doing and then go get him. eventually he would cry to get my attetnion but would then wait for about 5 mintues before a total melt down. He might also just be needing a change in stimulis. His little mind is going a mile a mintue and get borded pretty easy. Maybe you could try putting a new toy in befor you pick him up or if he has a lovley making sure he has it all time.
Good Luck



answers from Chico on

In addition to the seperation anxiety (normal for his age), he may be teething, too. Just something to be aware of.

If you give hime something to do where he can watch you (like he's in the exerrsaucer while you cook dinner), that can help in not having to hold him every minute. Others may have different advice, but I think disciplining him (by which I assume you mean punishing him or getting angry) will only make it worse. Maybe make light of his crying, acknowledge him, but don't pick him up every time if you can distract him with a new activity (maybe he's sick of the same activity center he's been looking at all of his life- ha ha), and try to head off the crying by changing his position or activity after 10-15 minutes. Soon he will be mobile and you'll have a whole new set of worries!! Little stinkers change SOOO fast.

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