1Year Old Baby, Speech Concern

Updated on June 10, 2007
L.C. asks from Canyon Country, CA
29 answers

I have a one year old baby girl, she turned one on April 4. My concern is that her only word is 'mama' and it seems she calls everything that. She points at things and yells "ma" when she wants someones attention. I am concerned that she may not be saying any words yet. Am I overreacting? I have a 7 year old son and 3 year old son and at the age of one, they knew a couple of words. Are there any mothers out there with advice?

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answers from Chico on

My 15 month old says "daaah" which means anything from duck to "what's that?" He gets out "ma ma ma ma" or "maaah", but that is me just guessing, I think! :) lol On the other hand, when visiting "nana and papa", he'll talk up a storm saying "Milk", "bird", etc...but not at home!

My suggestion is to not worry about it! as others have said, kids develop differently and at their own pace.

I can completely understand the concern though, since I do it myself! :)

Take care.

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answers from Honolulu on

She's perfectly normal!!! She's way ahead of where my son was (he's now almost 2 1/2). Some kids develop the speech late. I would say if she's still not saying much at 18 months, start asking the doc questions. My son was that way, but he's perfectly fine. Don't worry!

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answers from Los Angeles on

My mom said my sister didn't start talking until she was 4. Now we can't shut her up!

Don't worry.. she's still a baby. =)

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answers from San Diego on

I agree with the other people, I think it's too early to say there's an issue and all kids develop at different stages. My son is almost 15 months and he doesn't say much. only ball and maybe bye bye sometimes. as far as mama and daddy, he blends them together and just yells it out in hopes that he'll get someones attention LOL. but that's it! i think what's more important is that your daughter seems to understand what is being said to her and is able to respond in some way, whether it's shaking her head yes and no, a smile, a turn of the head, pointing etc. as long as she is communicating her wants and needs in some way and comprehending most of what is said to her, then she is totally fine!

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answers from Los Angeles on

I wouldn't be concerned. I currently work with children age 24-36 months, previously worked with children under the age of 1 and am a mother of a 7 year old. With a 7 year old and a 3 year old, and with your efforts, your child should be picking up other words, as long as she is hearing them spoken. I tell parents who are concerned about their children's speech at the age of 2, as long as the comprehension and cognitive ability is there, the speech will come in time. On average, a 2 year old has about 50 words in his/her vocabulary, while a 3 year old will have about 2000. As you can see, speech really doesn't go into full speed until after the age of 2. Good Luck!!

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answers from Los Angeles on

Prevention is key if there is a problem. Every child is different. My first started saying words very late. It is like he waited until he could say them correctly, because when he started talking, he spoke very well. He is 30 now and there was not as much help available back then.

If you are really concerned, take her in for a professional evaluation. You can ask her pediatrician but many of them misdiagnose problems. Go with your gut and call your local childcare resource and referral agency. They should be able to guide you in the right direction. If there are any problems, it is easier to get help before age 3 from a regional center. I fairly certain that all of the services are free. I think that after age 3 the school district is where you need to call and they are a pain.

I hope this helps and good luck,

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answers from San Diego on

I have a three year old and a fifteen month old. My three year old started talking pretty early. She started saying "dada" and 6 mnths and picked up super quick on new words. My 15 month old is different. She didn't say her first word, "mama," until almost a year. However, she is now making up for lost time. She is suddenly using phrases. It's almost like she just skipped single words. It's like she's just been soaking it all in for all this time. I read somewhere when I was pregnant with her that second kids generally (not always, but usually) talk later that first because there older siblings talk for them. This was SO true in my case. I started noticing that my 3 year old was constantly telling me what she thought her sister wanted. I think this was a big reason the the little one started so late. But, as I said she is definately making up now. I wouldn't worry. If you can't help it then take her to the doctor. I'm sure they will tell you it is fine but it will ease your mind.


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answers from Stockton on

My son is 13 months old and says 'mama,' 'dada,' and 'uh-oh.' That's his large vocabulary right now! I say words to him everyday and they will pick up on them and say them when they're ready. I wouldn't worry about it.

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answers from Los Angeles on

I wouldn't sweat it... as you know, every child is different and because she is the third, she probably doesn't have the same need to speak as your other two did. She has a whole entourage to "wait" on her so why bother!!!! She's got this whole thing already figured out!

Plus, as a teacher with tons of develpment classes under my belt, we were taught that language acquisition can occur in a many different ways. Some kids will speak one word here and there- some kids will speak in short commands- some will mimic everything that comes out of your mouth- and other kids won't say anything until all of a sudden they say, "Mama, can I have some juice please?"

HOWEVER, it is certainly worth asking your doctor about- peace of mind from a health professional is always cause for a good night's sleep!


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answers from Los Angeles on

I am a Speech Langauge Pathologist and want to provide a link for you look at. http://www.asha.org/public/speech/development/lang_lit.htm
This comes for our professional organization.

You need to look at more than just sounds, but also gestures and how baby responds to people around him/her. Does he point to objects? have eye contact? appear interested in others? after looking at the link, if you are still concerned, contact a PROFESSIONAL for an evaluation.

Although people will tell you that they know kids who didn't talk until 4...THAT'S NOT TYPICAL and OFTEN is a cause of problems. Look at the developmental chart before you jump to any conclusions or rule anything out.

From what you described, it does sound pretty typical. Babies often over use sounds/syllables for many words at this stage.

Good luck !

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answers from Los Angeles on

My son only said like 4 words until he was like 18 months old... I was totally concerned about it and thinking he might be autistic or something. Now he is 3 and has an UNBELIEVABLE vocabulary. At one yrs old it is more important to focus on comprehension and communication, like if she can "tell" you what she wants by some form of non-verbal communication and if she understands what you say to her. If her comprehension is fine then she is prob just fine - and try not to compare her to other babies - if she bables with the influxtion of "normal" speech, understands simple instructions and is using "one or more word" then she is hitting her milestone. By 18 mos she should have 5-20 words. Good luck and don't stress too much! :)

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answers from San Francisco on

She's totally normal! Consider yourself lucky. At that age my older son pointed and grunted; my younger son was already babbling up a storm and still hasn't stopped talking! Take care and good luck!

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answers from San Francisco on

Go with your instincts. My 3rd child had the same problem - partly because her older siblings did not allow her to talk - they did everything for her, so she never had to ask - and partly because she had a developmental delay with her tongue. It took me two years to get her into speech therapy and by then she was behind - still in therapy now 4 years later.

Trust your instincts if you see she is frustrated and wanting to communicate and the words wont come out - I would worry - if she seems content then it is probably because she doesn't have to say anything more than "mama" and her brothers jump to rescue her... We do that with our babies especially when we have older ones...

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answers from Reno on

No need to worry about this one. It is perfectly normal for your daughter to be a little slower in her speech developement. My son was 15 months old before he walked, and just about 13 or 14 months before he really started talking. He was saying a few things, but didn't really start taking in language until 14 months. Now my son who is 23 months is going crazy with talking and giberish stuff I wish I could understand. be patient and just enjoy the peace you have with her for now, it won't last forever, especially with two older brothers around her as she grows up.

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answers from Stockton on

Hi L. C,
Everyone has made really great suggestions for you. I just want to add "Go with your gut." What does your "Mother's Intuition" tell you. I also have 3 children and with my third I KNEW something was not right at 12 months. If you are concerned about autism. Go to the website Jennifer A E suggested and test out the things they say in the numbered section of the article. As long as your daughter is communicating I wouldn't worry. For example I thought my daughter was a heavy sleeper, just like my oldest. Does she respond to her name? That is a big one! All one yr olds should know there name when called. Does she respond if you verbally ask her if she wants a cookie. Does she get startled at unexpected loud noises. This sounds strange, but I went around banging on walls to see if my daughter was responding. If you know in your gut that something isn't quite right and after reading all the suggestions you do decide to see her DR. Please don't let them tell you that you are doing to much for her, she is the 3rd and you need to force her to talk. It's better to be safe than sorry. I wish you all the best and I hope my response doesn't freak you out. I have a deaf 6yr old daughter and it has turned out to be a blessing in disguise. My daughters deafness has changed my life for the better.
Good Luck
K. F

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answers from Fresno on

I wouldn't worry, each child is going to start talking at different ages. I have a 18 month old who only says about 6 words consistently, but the doctor still said that he falls within the normal perimeters. Your daughter will start saying more and more each week, just remember to talk to her a lot so she can pick up on the words. If you are still really worried, you can always talk to your baby's doctor to put your mind at ease.

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answers from Las Vegas on

Hello. I have 2 boys one is 5 and one is 3. My 5 year old didn't really start to talk till he was 2. He said mabey 2 words. We took him to the doctor and they said nothing was wrong. When he turned 2 he started talking in full sentences and he is normal. My 3 year old said about 10 words by the age of 1. It all depends on when the child is ready to talk. Don't worry she probibly will talk when he is ready. I hope that makes you feel a little better. My best wishes to you. Don't worry about over reacting all mothers do it. I know I do all the time.

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answers from Louisville on

DUCK! duk-EEE! duk-EEE!!
This was the refrain around my house when my daughter was one year old. She knew how to say ducky and she was going to use it however she could. I was a ducky, my husband was a ducky, the cat was a ducky, her dinner was just ducky thank you very much.

Finally around 11 months she (unreliably) started saying Abba (which is what my husband is called) and yum-yum. Then she whispered cat, which eventually developed into Cat-ee.

Now she is 15 months old. She says mama FINALLY, but that didn't happen until 14 months. She can say moon, balloon, a funny version of bellybutton, bear, NO, me (though sometimes she means you), burrito (because I "wrap her up like a burrito after her bath), milk, monkey, lion, hat, nigh-night, bye-bye, and various other things I'm probably not thinking of now.

She also understands EVERYTHING and can follow instructions really well. She might not be able to say washcloth, but if I've misplaced one and am looking for it and talking to myself, she'll find it and give it to me. Anyway, the point is, I was freaked out, too! Your daughter is going to surpass your expectations within a few months, enjoy the days before she learns no!

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answers from Sacramento on

Hi L.,
my name is P.. Take a deep breathe. Your child is fine. All kids develop at different times. And then when it comes to these new milestones, they don't say she will talk at 12 months and walk too. Its on a scale. When she goes for her well baby check up, does the doctor have any concerns? If not, then there really isn't anything to worry about. She's fine. You can raise the concern to the pediatrician and i'm sure they will put your worries to rest too.
Lots of luck. And when she finally starts talking to boys and running up the cellphone bill you'll wish she was still only a year old and not talking yet. Lol. They grow up so fast and before you know it she will be at that age.

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answers from Honolulu on

Please keep in mind that every baby develops at her own rate! My first one said one word until she was fully two, at which time she started speaking in sentences. There are many (maybe all) states that have FREE screening and therapy for delays in speech, motor skills, etc for children under 3 yrs. My daughter had speech therapy, which was actually very interesting for both of us and FREE and even in our home. Also, baby sign language can help you get through the next year if your baby is a "slow talker" like mine was. There are many resources for you and baby to learn sign language - try babysigns.com for starters. Good luck, and I'm sure she's fine!!

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answers from Austin on


One year is way too young for you to be worrying. Every child is different, I've heard of kids not talking until they were 4 and they turn out to be normal and brilliant. My son didn't talk until he was a little over, two, he had words but didn't make sentences until then. Now he's 6 and speaks perfectly. Even if your child is late to speak or has any problems, speech therapy is very effective and works fast. Stop worrying. good luck



answers from San Francisco on

It is impossible for a 1 year old to have a speech delay, so stop worrying so much! You're definitely jumping the gun on this one - a speech delay won't even be tested for until the child that exhibits EXTREME problems (as in no words at all) by three years old.
All children learn to speak in different ways, and at different times. For instance, my little girl said her first word at 5 1/2 months old, and now at 1 1/2 she uses about 50 words, and in small 2 or 3 word phrases - BUT - she did not even try to walk until she was 16 months old! As a monther of two boys, you know that each of your children developes differently and in their own time. Just because she isn't talking doesnt mean she doesn't know or understand all the normal vocabulary you use on a daily basis - and one day she will surprise you and just start talking. Right now her little brain is working overtime, sucking in vocabulary like a sponge, and storing it in her brain to be used appropriately at another time. She is perfectly normal, and the speech will come in its OWN time. In the mean time, encourage her to speak by taking her around the house, the grocery store, or anywhere else you and pointing at/naming everything you come in contact with. Talk to her like a little person, using normal english sentences and syntax, and she will learn. I promise. So stop worrying!



answers from Las Vegas on

Honey Relax! you are super-overreacting
No every child development is the same way. she just turn one year!!!.
What do you want? she say "mama" do you want her to give you an speech and to start high school too.LOL>



answers from San Luis Obispo on

Dear L.,

Yes, you are over reacting. I think that it is wonderful that she knows Mama and says ma for an object, that is pretty smart, I would say.

Really, I know how hard it is to wait for the babies to start talking. My 2 1/2 year old gr grandson just started talking more and now says everything. At first when he started talking his voice sounded like an angel voice to me. He did say several words when he was 1 1/2 , but dropped them. We thought that he was on his way to speech, then nothing. They do it in their own way. Their brains are connecting all the time, so never fear. She will be saying "make jello" 100 times soon like my daughter did when she was just starting to talk and we were making Jello together. She said it so much, that I started to count and stopped at 100 . Cute.
Truly, C. N.



answers from Reno on

My son was one last month and doesn't even say mama or ANYTHING! I'm not worried cause he walks, plays and is happy. He knows words. If I ask for a kiss, he gives it and so on, but he doesn't talk. Maybe she's focused on other things. I'm sure it's normal!



answers from Los Angeles on

hey lily,

My daughter only said "sta, sta" at age one. Then two weeks before she turned two she said a whole sentence. So I think that part is just normal. Kids learn at their own pace and as long as she is progressing to other sounds soon, she is learning. Try repeating dadadadada or papapapapa over and over again to see if she starts repeating it. The thing you want to look for is if she shows no signs of wanting to communicate or not wanting to interact with anyone on her own. Does she go to play with your other kids? Or does she play by herself? I you are worried about Autism check this sight out.

My cousin's daughter has a mild case of Autism, but it was diagnosed super early and that helped out a lot.

I hope your concerns are for nothing and that she is just learning at her own pace.




answers from Los Angeles on

Don't Worry!!! All babies develop at different stages. My little girl said a few words, mostly only understandable by me, and she uses baby sign. She JUST started saying Mama at 14 months! Dada has been used for everything since she first said it. Relax, I'm sure it's nothing.



answers from Los Angeles on

I have 3 children 9, 4, and 10 mos and it is funny everyone always wonder if their child has a problem when they dont develop at the same speed as the others. Normally it is no all children develop differently there are many things to look at first. I have a brother that my mother said he never talk to anyone but me, a niece who did not speak until she was about 15 mos, my oldest child only spoke when someone ask him something, my middle child spoke all the time but we could not understand a word she says and now the baby speak often and it sounds fluent and clear. So until the doctors tell you she have a problem I would not worry.



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi Lily,

I was concerned like you were because 2 of my friends have babies that are younger than my daughter. One is 2 weeks younger and the other is a month younger. When my daughter turned a year she was only saying "dada" and she was calling me "baba" not "mama". My friends babies were already saying about 3-5 words. When my daughter had her 12 month check up the nurse just asked me how many words she knew. I don't think it matters how many words they know at that age. My mom told me not to worry and not to compare my daughter to other babies. I advise you to do the same. My daugher is 19 months now and she's starting to say phrases. At her 18 month check up the nurse asked me if she knew at least 7-14 words and she did. I think just as long as your daughter understands you everythinng is going to be alright.

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