1St Birthday Party - Haysville,KS

Updated on February 25, 2010
R.D. asks from Haysville, KS
6 answers

Hey moms! I am looking for some super cute decorations for my daughter's first bithday. I would really like something a little more modern; her room is decorated in pink and chocolate brown so I would like to do something along these lines. I have thought about just having a mixture of pink and brown cups, plates, napkins, etc....but I would really like for things to say something about a 1st birthday. I guess I could have the napkins printed and make my own invitations but it would be nice to find some really cute things online so I don't have to do as much work :) (It's nice to find shortcuts) I was wondering if any of you have any good websites or stores in the Wichita area that would carry more modern first birthday decorations. Thanks for your help!

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answers from Dallas on

You will not believe how cheap these are from Zazzle & I just ordered mine from here and they are truly great quality! I couldn't believe the ordering from Zazzle would be a good idea but after searching high & low for custom invitations it was a last resort & holy cow - I saved a TON!
This pink & brown striped cupcake invitation is soooo cute & this maker has zebra print too. It makes me want a girl even more!!!!!!!!!!
Happy party planning. I'll let you know if I see anything else.


- C.

Also found a birthday banner on Etsy.... LOVE Etsy!!!!!!
And the most awesome hat:
(I tell ya, I sooooooo need a girl!)

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Chicago on

I made the invites for my daughters first birthday. They were super easy and were a HUGE hit! her theme was Rubber Duckies. I got some blue card stock and cut it in 1/2 so they were 5x7(?) and pasted a nice picture of her in the center. I then took a sheet of vellum cut to the same size, on that sheet I printed (on the printer not by hand), each first and the date.. First smile, first word, first steps ect and left justified. The last first was First Birthday. then one line down on the write, I put something along the lines of Join us a we celebrate baby and her amazing first year . I then punched holes in the top of both and tied them with yellow ribbon.
Every one got a snap shot of her first year and a cute, recent picture.

Good luck!



answers from Austin on

Just found some cute Dixie cups at the grocery store that were brown and pink polka dots. You could put small servings of party food in them instead of traditional plates... I've heard that French meringues are popular lately and could be made in pink and brown.



answers from San Antonio on

Hi there, I ordered my son's invitations and tons of personalized party favors from a great place online... www.oodlesanddoodlesofsweets.com

She did a great job on everything and I loved the fact that each item had my son's name on it. She doesn't have invitations advertised on her site but she does do them by request. She custom designed the wrappers to go with our party theme and I got a recent newsletter from her that said she's also doing cupcake toppers now. HTH!



answers from Los Angeles on

orientaltrading.com has some very cute first party things for girls. Last I checked they had butterfly and cupcake themed party supplies. They can even customize certain items with your child's name. Best of all their prices are very reasonable. There's alsom1stwishes.com...again very cute party supplies...hope this helps!

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